Vanessa Leroux, master locksmith / Konda Mogami, spying extortionist

NE Medium undead (shapechanger, augmented)
12 8, -2, 6
24 17, 2, 1, 4, 2
20 16, 2, 2, 2
14 12, 2
16 12, 4
Keen Kitsune
Sunlight Resistance
Investigator 6
Low-light vision
Darkvision 60ft.
30 ft.
Climb 20 ft.
Common, Sylvan, Elven, Gnome, Aklo, Celestial, Infernal, Necril
You don't breathe, eat, or sleep.

Female Magician with Blue Flame

Art, as Konda

Adopted > Warrior of Old
Careful Combatant
Alertness bonus
Combat Reflexes bonus
Dodge + Mobility bonus
Improved Initiative bonus
Lightning Reflexes bonus
Toughness bonus
Skill Focus (Stealth)
Weapon Finesse
level 1
Spell Focus (enchantment) min.1
inves. 3
Underworld Inspiration min.3
level 3
Greater Spell Focus min.1
inves. 5
Sapping Offensive min.5
Eidetic Recollection bonus
level 5
Fox Shape min.4

84 ranks. Other class skills: Perform, Profession.

Your Spell DC is 10 + the spell level + your Intelligence modifier.
To make a concentration check, add your caster level + your Intelligence modifier.
To affect foes with spell resistance, make a caster level check ≥SR.


Your spells have +3 DC.

Kitsune Magic (Sp)

dancing lights 3/day.

Level 0

Level 1 6/day

Level 25/day

Vampire Spells (Su) at-will


  • 14 Init 8 dex, 2 trait, 4 feat
  • 76 HP 6 investigator: 8 class, 3 cha, 1 feat; 6 fc; -2 rolled
    DR 10/magic & silver
    Resist 10 cold, electricity
    Fast Healing 5
    When HP reaches 0, assume gaseous form and return to home coffin.
    Immune nonlethal
  • 32 AC touch 24, flat-footed 23 10, 8 dex, 4 armor, 2 shield, 1 dodge, 6 natural, 1 deflection
    +2 dodge vs AoO from moving
  • Fort 3 cha, 2 class, 2 resistance
  • 17 Ref 8 dex, 5 class, 2 feat, 2 resistance
  • 9 Will 2 wis, 5 class, 2 resistance
    +2 insight to disbelieve
  • Channel resistance +4
  • Immune mind-affecting, sleep, stunning, exhaustion, fatigue
  • Immune bleed, death, disease, paralysis, poison
  • Immune ability drain (all), ability damage (physical stats)
  • 12 CMB; 25 CMD 4 bab, 1 str, 8 dex, 1 dodge, 1 deflection

Rapier 18×2 P

+13 vs AC 4 bab, 8 dex, 1 mwk
1d6+1 1 str

Inspiration (Ex) 8/day

Studied Combat

As a safe move action, choose a target.
Gain +2 insight to attack and +2 precision to damage for 5 rounds.
When you damage a studied target, it can't make AoOs for 1 round. A target can be studied once per day, unless you spent 1 inspiration.

Studied Strike

End your Studied Combat early for 2d6 extra precision damage. As a safe free action when you hit.

Careful Combatant

When you withdraw, the first two squares are safe.

Slam 20×2 B

+12 vs AC 4 bab, 8 dex
1d4+1 1 str
+2 negative levels (Will DC 16 negates, 1/round)


Garlic / Mirror / Holy Symbol
Recoil 5ft. Can be overcome after a round with Will DC 25.
Private home
Cannot enter unless invited
Direct Sunlight
Staggered + take 15 dmg each round (except first round, destroyed if killed)
Running Water
Take 16 dmg each round when immerged (destroyed if killed)
Wooden Stake
Killed if stabbed in the heart. Revives if removed, unless head is severed and anointed.

Blood Drain

As you establish/maintain a pin, deal 1d4 CON damage and heal 5 HP.

Children of the Night 1/day

As a safe standard action, summon 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or 2d6 wolves.
They arrive in 2d6 rounds and stay for 1 hour.

Create Spawn

Creatures slain by Blood Drain or negative levels become spawns.

Shadowless / Mirrorless

Guide used: The Investigator's Academy ©Allerseelen.

Vampirized by Salomon Archibald Thrausvult as a last resort, Konda does not approve of his methods, yet remains loyal to him. She has no love for his other vampire lieutenant, Sylvestre McSween, but has to admit he's effective. However, his daughter, Emma, is a serious threat to her undying career. She's assigned under her care for now, and it must stay that way until something unfortunate happens to her. Sylvestre & Emma know only about her human identity (Vanessa).

She is very close friends with Zoe, and though they both know that the other has a secret identity, they have a pact not to ask what it is.

She considers Fortrude to be her greatest rival, because she seems to elude her. As a master spy, it's very frustrating.

She's a regular customer of Destiny's shop. Not too many questions are asked there, which is appreciated. She enjoys a stop at Arwen's library when she's around: the elf is pleaseant and can actually sustain an intellectual conversation. Apart from Oletha's dangerous divination power, which Vanessa stays well clear of, she considers most of the rest of St-Élie to be below her.

As Konda, she's part of the Lance Étincellante 👑 guild, and despite being one of their long-time members she's mostly taken a backseat these days. She still has influence though, should she need it.

Konda used to be seen as a vigilante around Caxton. She once saved Cole DiamondOre's life from a rampaging Otyugh!

Patient & organized
246, died at 51
149 lbs
5' 6''

Vanessa – Could not find source

Female Magician with Blue Flame

Konda – Could not find source

Imaizumi Kagerou