Guides used: The Grandeur of Delusions ©Nova Wurmson,
Magic in the Blood ©Cartmanbeck.
Salomon Archibald Thrausvult is a crime lord. His highest-ranked underlings are Vanessa Leroux and Sylvestre McSween, which he vampirised himself.
As his enslaved spawns, he can still communicate with them via telepathy.
He knows everything about them, including their rivalry, which he considers a good thing: it's not too overt yet, and if they're invested against each other, they're not invested against him.
Salomon has been one of the first to cross the rift to the New World.
His wealth bought him many friends and many secrets, and in those wild days, not too many questions were asked when somebody disappeared without a trace.
He chose to stay around Caxton: the dwarves were sure to craft wondrous items that would draw riches to the area, and their military-style hierarchy meant that no greedy, hereditary king would be around to collect taxes.
When he was still human, like many vampires by choice, he was obsessed with immortality.
He studied as many ways to find it as possible.
His rich parents and opulent upbringing gave him all the time he needed to pursue such goals,
but he was not the most talented student, and realised that arcane was not his path.
He turned to occult arts, dabbled in necromancy, never really crossing the line to reanimating the dead..
But with his natural status giving him the feeling that he was above the rest, and his new mastery of forces no one understood, he lost a lot of his humanity.
Occult arts lead him on a path to secrets buried deep within his bloodline.
Ghoul blood from generations long forgotten awakened within him, and as he realised his link to undeath, he saw the path of vampirism opened to him.
He is a self-made first-generation vampire.
This awakening caused enormous issues across his country.
Undeath swirled in the air, and for miles, corpses would rise and spirits would linger.
His family tried to keep the secret, but the blood awakened within them too, and most succumbed to this sudden incontrollable force.
Salomon's hunger eventually drew attention to him, after a century or two.
By then, the country was in shambles, most villages were abandonned, the people were angry, superstitious and exhausted, and civil war was in the air.
Adventurers were coming for him: they got everyone else of his lineage.
The problem, Salomon thought, was that he was too well known:
adventurers knew he was there, the people had recovered and copied maps of his fort, his weaknesses and tactics were discussed, analyzed, and countered.
Salomon decided to leave it all behind and move to the New World, where nobody would suspect his presence.
As a first-generation vampire, Salomon's power has enormous growth potential.
He knows he must hunt and defeat other first-generation if possible, and not to sire too many insubordinate second-generation vampires.
He is also well-acquainted with the risks of the transformation.
Furthermore, if there are too many vampires, it might become known that there are vampires in the New World: so far, none were reported.
Thus, he is very selective about his subordinates.
Despite living in a dwarven citadel, he won't transform dwarves, because
1) their longevity opens other, better paths to immortality for them,
2) they might retain some loyalty to the citadel, and he wants complete fealty,
3) the transformation to undeath is less suited to dwarves than other races.
Salomon speaks with a haughty french accent.
He likes mirrors and statues of himself, and not only as conduits for his abilities.
He might spare a craftsman that can make something extra luxurious for him.
- Qualities
- Fair & a great leader
- Fault
- Betrayed
- Eyes
- Grey
- Hair
- Dark
- Age
- 483
- Weight
- 181 lbs
- Height
- 6' 3''