Sylvestre McSween, dark eviscerator

NE Medium undead (augmented)
24 16, 2, 6
26 17, 2, 1, 4, 2
10 8, 2
14 12, 2
16 12, 4
Dual Talent
Swarm Form
Slayer 6
Ankou's Shadow
Bounty Hunter
Darkvision 60ft.
30 ft.
Climb 20 ft.
Common, Necril
You don't breathe, eat, or sleep.

MTG card: Falkenrath Gorger

Alternative art

Carefully Hidden
Alertness bonus
Combat Reflexes bonus
Dodge + Mobility bonus
Improved Initiative bonus
Lightning Reflexes bonus
Toughness bonus
Power Attack
Weapon Finesse
level 1
Dirty Fighting min.1
level 3
Weapon Focus (Natural) min.1
slayer 4
RCS > Aspect of the Beast min.4
level 5
Deft Maneuvers (DT, Tr, Fe) min.1

48 ranks. Other class skills: Craft.

  • 14 Init 8 dex, 2 trait, 4 feat
  • 88 HP 6 slayer: 10 class, 3 cha, 1 feat; 6 fc; -2 rolled
    DR 10/magic & silver
    Resist 10 cold, electricity
    Fast Healing 5
    When HP reaches 0, assume gaseous form and return to home coffin.
    Immune nonlethal
  • 31 AC touch 24, flat-footed 22 10, 8 dex, 4 armor, 1 dodge, 7 natural, 1 deflection
    +2 dodge vs AoO from moving
  • Fort 3 cha, 5 class, 2 resistance
  • 17 Ref 8 dex, 5 class, 2 feat, 2 resistance
  • 7 Will 2 wis, 2 class, 1 trait, 2 resistance
  • +2 trait vs divination
  • Channel resistance +4
  • Immune mind-affecting, sleep, stunning, exhaustion, fatigue
  • Immune bleed, death, disease, paralysis, poison
  • Immune ability drain (all), ability damage (physical stats)
  • 14 CMB; 33 CMD 6 bab, 7 str, 8 dex, 1 dodge, 1 deflection
    +2 to/vs Dirty Trick, Trip. These maneuvers don't provoke.

Full Attack: 2 Claws, 1 Slam

Claw 20×2 S

PA -2/+4
+15 vs AC 6 bab, 8 dex, 1 w.focus
1d4+7 7 str
Counts as magic.
+2 negative levels (Will DC 16 negates, 1/round)

Sneak Attack 2d6

As a safe free action, replace SA damage with a Dirty Trick (at +2).

+21 with Flanking (4), PA (-2), Imp.DT (2), w.focus (1), Replace Sneak Attack (2).

Shadow Double (Su) 2 Shadows

As an unsafe full-round action, manifest your doubles. They act as mirror image, can aid another (+6) as a safe swift action, or can move independantly (and flank!) Their AC is your TouchAC.

Submission Hold (Ex)

When you grapple to deal damage, you may take a -5 penalty and also deal SA damage.

Slam 20×2 B

PA -2/+4
+15 vs AC 6 bab, 8 dex, 1 w.focus
1d4+7 7 str
Counts as magic.
+2 negative levels (Will DC 16 negates, 1/round)


Garlic / Mirror / Holy Symbol
Recoil 5ft. Can be overcome after a round with Will DC 25.
Private home
Cannot enter unless invited
Direct Sunlight
Staggered on the first round, destroyed on the second round
Running Water
Take 26 dmg each round when immerged (destroyed if killed)
Wooden Stake
Killed if stabbed in the heart. Revives if removed, unless head is severed and anointed.

Blood Drain (Su)

As you establish/maintain a pin, deal 1d4 CON damage and heal 5 HP.

Children of the Night (Su) 1/day

As a safe standard action, summon 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or 2d6 wolves.
They arrive in 2d6 rounds and stay for 1 hour.

Create Spawn (Su)

Creatures slain by Blood Drain or negative levels become spawns.

Shadowless / Mirrorless


Swarm Form (Su) at-will

As a safe standard action, turn into a swarm: bats, centipedes, rats, or spiders. Distraction/Disease/Poison have DC 16.

Vampire Spells (Su) at-will

Sylvestre McSween is a second-generation vampire, spawned by Salomon Archibald Thrausvult. Along with Vanessa Leroux, who he has some rivalry with, he is one of the Lieutenant of their undead father's mafia.

Sylvestre was born in St-Élie, and is the son of a butcher. He grew up wanting to continue his father's business, and would train as an adventurer sometimes, feeling the call, but never quite acting on it. He did get some reputation for hunting down some monsters to help the village. As he inherited his father's shop, an accident happened with a bull he was supposed to put to death. His chest was crushed by the beast's kicks, ensuring a slow and painful death. Salomon showed up out of nowhere, offering both another chance at life and adventures beyond his current reach.

Sylvestre is very loyal to Salomon. With his endless life, he has taken to organizing bands of criminals for bigger prey, which he then adds to the family's treasure. He still has memories of his life as small folk, so usually he'll make sure the targets of those raids are monarchy or bourgeoisie. He might also make sure that his point of contact within the gangs he employs is the worst scum of them: killing him to keep the family's involvement secret then feels more justified, like he's "protecting" the people from the lowliest of criminals.

Killing is the thing Sylvestre is best at. With is unnatural strength and his knowledge of innards, he is a menace. His duties in the family include that of enforcer: when someone needs to be taken out, it's Sylvestre's job to get it done. He doesn't usually spawn thralls with his victims, in his mind, it would be honoring them, and most of the people he kills don't deserve this respect.

Sylvestre has two daughters, Emmanuelle and Émilia. They're both dhampirs, demi-vampires; they were conceived 20 years appart, in nights of Hunger where he found a maiden who reawakened the memory of the woman he loved in life. The eldest was raised by her mother's family, and fled the country when Sylvestre showed up and revealed her nature. Sylvestre raised the youngest himself, and she showed interest in their illegal but lucrative way of life. Salomon's interested in her potential, and Vanessa sees her as a threat that might take her place. Sylvestre will protect her at all costs, but would prefer if she proved that she doesn't need protection.

Courageous & pragmatic
Dark brown
209, died at 15
205 lbs
6' 6''

Sylvestre – Art by Wizards of the Coast (Anna Steinbauer)

MTG card: Falkenrath Gorger

Sylvestre – Art from Bloodborne

Bloodborne: Cainhurst concept art