Mundane Items

List of all non-magical items that my characters should have:
Rations Item Cost Weight Quantity
Trail Rations, 1 day .5 gp 1 lbs 4
Rations, Wandermeal .01 gp .5 lbs 2
TOTAL 2.02 gp 5 lbs  
Backpack 2 gp 2 lbs 1
Bedroll .1 gp 5 lbs 1
Blanket, winter .5 gp 3 lbs 1
Hammock .1 gp 3 lbs 1
Mess kit .2 gp 1 lbs 1
Pot, Iron .8 gp 4 lbs 1
Soap .01 gp .5 lbs 1
TOTAL 3.71 gp 18.5 lbs  
Crowbar 2 gp 5 lbs 1
Grappling Hook, common 1 gp 4 lbs 1
Rope, hemp silk (50ft) 1 gp 10gp 10 lbs 5 lbs 1
Shovel, common 2 gp 8 lbs 1
TOTAL 6 gp 27 lbs  
Bell 1 gp - 1
Candle .01 gp - 5
Cards, normal deck of playing cards .1 gp 1 lbs 1
Chalk .01 gp - 1
Compass 10 gp .5 lbs 1
Dagger, cold-iron 4 gp 1 lbs 1
Dice, normal 6-sided .1 gp - 1
Fishhook .1 gp - 1
Flint & Steel 1 gp - 1
Ink 8 gp - 1
Inkpen .1 gp - 1
Mirror, small steel 10 gp .5 lbs 1
Parchment .2 gp - 5
Sewing Needle .5 gp - 1
Signal Whistle .8 gp - 1
String (50ft) .01 gp .5 lbs 1
Waterproof Bag .5 gp .5 lbs 1
Waterskin 1 gp 4 lbs 1
TOTAL 38.27 gp 8 lbs  
GRAND TOTAL 50 gp 58.5 lbs  


If all else fails, get a donkey for 8 gp: he's "willing to enter dungeons" and, like a pony, his light load is 100lbs which is enough to carry absolutely everything listed here.