TTRPG Table of Contents


🌵Nephelcheres, 🛡️Sycaä.

Companions & Familiars
Name Master Race Class Level Edition Status
Quentin Greenspeak, forestborn steed Olaf Horse Companion 5 PF Free
Aori Whitetail, forever upwind Caeleo Wolf Companion 5 PF Free
Hg9, lifeless sentinel Mercure8 Drone Companion 2 Starfinder Fixed
Marla the Viper, gifted infiltrator Jack Viper Familiar 4 D&D 3.5 Fixed
Elysio, the crimson fang Jianna Drake Companion 5 PF Free
Halcyon, quicksilver familiar Acruta Vermin Familiar 6 PF Free
Mlinzi, stoic as the mountain Mathilda Mongoose Familiar 6 PF Free
Muhimu, wisdom of the boneyard Mathilda Psychopomp Familiar 7 PF Free
Brian Perro, bear beyond the veil Valend Bear Companion 5 PF Free
Zephyr, king of the river Yrma Crocodile Companion 6 PF Flexible
Remy, with a nose for cheese Jebif Rat Familiar 11 PF2 Fixed
Galléon, wrathful guardian Usire Bear Companion 5 PF Fixed
Blâbnar, wind of dusk Emmelinarwain Bat Companion 3 PF2 Fixed
Heredir, wind of dawn Emmelinarwain Bird Companion 3 PF2 Fixed
Tornado, the unmountable Ghaveri Bull Companion 4 PF Flexible
Kim, the joyful translator Héra Thrush Familiar 4 PF Flexible
Deirdre, queen of an age past Renka Phantom Companion 4 PF Flexible
Luna, the freed thought Sigmund Jerboa Familiar 9 PF Flexible
Fortune, the lost twin Fortrude Twin Eidolon 6 PF Flexible
Rupert, the beautiful Sargaro Horse Companion 4 PF Flexible
Thorn, elemental whisper Bram Earth Wysp Familiar 6 PF Flexible
Bémol, special effects director Fred Faerie Dragon Familiar 8 PF Flexible
Drumstick, undead bodyguard Wojtek Zombie Companion 7 PF Flexible
Clepte, the blank shade Erya Smokeshade Familiar 8 PF Flexible
Rafflesia, oasis guardian Nephelcheres Plant Eidolon 12 PF2 Fixed
Jetsam, oceanic hunter Flotsam Elasmosaurus Companion 4 PF Flexible
Octave, herald of reason Tobias Owl Familiar D&D 5E Fixed
Sapria, full of hidden fruits Nephelcheres Leshy Familiar 12 PF2 Fixed
Crieur, the loud Yoan Gecko Familiar 2 PF2 Free
Characters sheets
Name Race Class Level Edition Status 📷
Barek StrongHelm, from the order of Torag's shield Dwarf Inquisitor 4 PF Free
Benjamin Godsent, both student and master Human Wizard 5 PF Free 📷
Iwamori, haunted ninja Human Ninja & Oracle 6 PF Free 📷
Laureliental Freyar'wyntalaen, elven daredevil Elf Sorcerer 5 PF Free
Valend ByWayRight, keeper of death's secrets Human Druid 5 PF Free
Sennen Oliver, playing the song of infinity Human Bard 5 PF Free
Javier Strongarm, towering above the battlefield Human Cleric 5 PF Free
Caeleo Mystral, riding the northern winds Human Druid 5 PF Free
Jeffrey Crichton, no bones unshattered Human Fighter 5 PF Free 📷
Darius Costa, mountaintop recluse Human Monk 5 PF Free
Darius Costa, master of the silver dragon style Human Monk 9 PF Flexible
Leana Thunderheart, eye of the everstorm Human Magus 9 PF Flexible 📷
Corren Delass, warden of the firelands Human Druid 9 PF Flexible
Francis Goodhope, slayer of blue wyrm Human Paladin 5 PF Free 📷
Olaf Greenspeak, verdant adventurer Human Ranger 5 PF Free
Jonathan Beaudelaire, kidnapper with magic fingers Human Rogue 5 PF Free
Damien Sansregrets, laughing wanderer Human Swashbuckler 5 PF Free
Comael Spellfixer, conjurer extraordinaire Human Wizard 5 PF Free 📷
Ophéron du clan Silki, dit le sauvage Human Cleric → Druid 8 PF2 Fixed 📷
Taleos Seraph, pyromancer of purple flames Human Kineticist 3 PF Fixed
Mercure 8, the lifeless Android Mechanic 2 Starfinder Fixed
Jorik Konrorvar, freedom fighter Human Fighter 2 D&D 5E Fixed
Samuellien Lavigne, curious weasel Halfling Rogue 4 D&D 5E Fixed
Victor Emishi, consumed by the black blood Human Bloodrager 2 PF Fixed
Colin Delass, warden of the firelands Human Druid 2 D&D 5E Fixed
Jack Taylor, fallen archeologist Human Bard 5 D&D 5E Fixed
Jack Taylor, gifted delusionist Human Wizard 4 D&D 3.5 Fixed
Iuceppe Aleczander, the fugitive corsair Human Swashbuckler 8 PF Fixed
Makoa Kuallaau, the arrow of Iomedae Human Inquisitor 5 PF Fixed
Seyar Ran'wor'eud, bright light of the dying world Aasimar Paladin 7 PF Fixed
Denise Brunel, enthusiast of Desna Human Cleric 2 PF Flexible
Jeanne Urbosh, vanguard leader Human Slayer 3 PF Flexible
Bernard Rydek, warlock of undeath Human Sorcerer 2 PF Flexible
Philippe de Lumlance, lore warden Human Fighter 2 PF Flexible
Pierre de Lumlance, sensate archer Human Fighter 2 PF Flexible
Graham O'moris, exalted blade of Abadar Human Inquisitor 6 PF Flexible
Linwood Vortiga, transmuter of energy Human Arcanist 6 PF Flexible
Raphaël Kalchas, red mage Human Bard 6 PF Flexible
Morab Mentana, psionic spy Human Psychic 10 PF Flexible
Teodros of Mekonen-Shu, mutagenic rager Tiefling Barbarian + Alchemist 3 PF Free
Mathilda Nalaar, Pharasma's mountain warden Elf Witch 6 PF Flexible
Engar Chaessdyn, assassin on the loose Human Rogue 3 PF Flexible
Jianna Veeral'tehl, dragonborn slaver Wyvaran Ranger 5 PF Flexible
Nyarlatoplel, the deranged giant Human Druid 6 PF Flexible
Acruta, vermin witch, disciple of wyrm Human Witch 6 PF Flexible 📷
Lao, agent of shadows, disciple of wyrm Human Magus 6 PF Flexible
D'nor, black-scaled duergar, disciple of wyrm Duergar Bloodrager 6 PF Flexible 📷
Xavier StrongHelm, archon-touched archer Dwarf Monk & Inquisitor 6 PF Free
Yrma Eowan Alvaro Iacobel Santo, azata-touched beastmaster Halfling Hunter & Cavalier 6 PF Free 📷
Jebif du clan des Échos, faeries' primal flair Gnome Investigator → Alchemist 11 PF2 Fixed 📷
Emmelinarwain, wind of january Human Ranger 3 PF2 Fixed 📷
Raug Mok'Pog, despicable idealist Goblin Rogue 5 PF2 Fixed 📷
Alphonse Shelley, the battle-scarred Fleshwarp Fighter 7 PF2 Fixed 📷
Khyr De Chambord, the phoenix Human Bard 6 PF Fixed 📷
Kuzon Sol, the prismatic Human Kineticist 5 PF Fixed
William Beaudry, Erastil's enforcer Human Fighter → Cleric 4 PF Flexible 📷
Usire Rayemikele, of the peace totem Half-elf Inquisitor 5 PF Fixed 📷
Folwyn Freyar'wyntalaen, elven astrologist Elf Psychic 5 PF Fixed 📷
Quixie, clamor fairy Fairy Sorcerer 5 PF Fixed 📷
Norbert, the swift raging fire Ifrit Bloodrager 4 PF Flexible 📷
Meilin Li, furious avenger Human Monk 4 PF Flexible 📷
Ghaveri "Freckles" Brown, expert distractor Half-orc Hunter 4 PF Flexible 📷
Patricia Vertsonge, pure soul from the shore Human Paladin 5 PF Flexible 📷
Héra Uskorm, wildling Human Shifter → Wizard 4 PF Flexible 📷
Tom Esmero, jaded gladiator Half-drow Barbarian 4 PF Flexible 📷
Renka Topazworth, emissary of Pharasma Dwarf Spiritualist 4 PF Flexible 📷
Arwen Telrunyá, specialist of ancient writings Elf Arcanist 4 PF Flexible 📷
Zoe Buras, charming diplomat, a.k.a. Akroma, celestial warlock Aasimar Vigilante 4 PF Flexible Z, A
Alexandra Faeqen, knight errant Human Skald 4 PF Flexible 📷
Emmanuel Beauregard-McSween, a.k.a. Zenaida, sworn patricide Dhampir Inquisitor 4 PF Flexible 📷
Desmund Rufo, the unfortunate brother Human Alchemist 9 PF Flexible 📷
Sigmund Rufo, the bound brother Human Wizard 9 PF Flexible 📷
Isaris Lune-Baie, pianist at the Jealous Unicorn Halfling Bard 4 PF Flexible 📷
Yves Leclou, punching afficionado Human Brawler 5 PF Flexible 📷
Fortrude PeridotBrander, coliseum master Dwarf Summoner 6 PF Flexible 📷
Xin, the hermit Human Brawler 5 PF Free 📷
Sargaro Malek, the mayoress's right-hand man Human Cavalier 4 PF Flexible 📷
Coralie Gaudreault, mayor of St-Élie Aasimar Medium 5 PF Flexible 📷
Hugo Béland, the teacher Human Druid 5 PF Flexible 📷
Louise Levasseur, the healing sunlight Human Cleric 5 PF Flexible 📷
Gabriel Levasseur, the bolstering sunlight Human Cleric 5 PF Flexible 📷
Bram Garnetspark, the enduring Dwarf Kineticist 6 PF Flexible 📷
Pietro-Alvarez Vent-Follet, the timid Halfling Gunslinger 5 PF Flexible 📷
Vincenzo Bouffe-Tout, travelling healer Halfling Shaman 5 PF Flexible 📷
Monika Salvato, the 4th child Half-elf Warlock 3 D&D 5E Free 📷
Dotok JadeRune, ex-lieutenant-general Dwarf Warpriest 6 PF Flexible 📷
Butgreat Wraithborn, the smelly Dwarf Druid 2 D&D 5E Fixed 📷
Fred, the pilgrim Human Wizard 8 PF Flexible 📷
Cascada, the wave dancer Merfolk Monk 6 PF Flexible 📷
Zoro, the zora researcher Locathah Druid 6 PF Flexible 📷
Destiny, the magpie Tiefling Bard 5 PF Flexible 📷
Renaud De Chambord, the fiery inventor Human Alchemist 5 PF Flexible 📷
Rose Frenette, intrepid barmaid Human Slayer 4 PF Flexible 📷
Hyacinthe Pomerleau, the amazing skipper Human Ranger 4 PF Flexible 📷
Naomi Rayemikele, the shrine assistant Half-elf Cleric 3 PF Flexible 📷
Oletha Shaheen, the elder Human Oracle 6 PF Flexible 📷
Bohi, the messenger Airbender Adamant ATLA Fixed 📷
Maleen McChuck, moonlit healer Half-elf Oracle 4 PF Flexible 📷
Harwist du clan des Marées & Mech-A, mechanical menace Gnome Summoner 6 PF Flexible 📷
Knarbog du clan des Marées, monster climber Gnome Rogue + Swashbuckler 5 PF Flexible 📷
Wikboast du clan des Marées, the watchman Gnome Slayer + Fighter 5 PF Flexible 📷
Labrag du clan des Marées, would-be hermit Gnome Monk 5 PF Flexible 📷
Périclès Dauvillier, student of the flowing way Human Monk 5 PF Flexible 📷
Ulysses Mulligan, the atypical Human Fighter + Brawler 2 PF Flexible 📷
Ulysses Mulligan, the improbable Human Fighter + Brawler 5 PF Flexible 📷
Ulysses Mulligan, the paradox Human Fighter + Brawler 8 PF Flexible 📷
Erya Diann, acrobat of Rakdos Human Magus + Swashbuckler 9 PF Flexible 📷
Wojtek du clan des Marées, mournful necromancer Gnome Wizard 7 PF Flexible 📷
Rovru the Red, tribal chieftain Human Shifter → Barbarian 9 PF Flexible 📷
Collin Poitras, the child who insulted a fae Skinwalker Hunter 3 PF Flexible 📷
Franco Vézina, a.k.a. Lazav Human Vigilante 5 PF Flexible F, L
Zinlavan Houbari, a.k.a. Jolrael Half-elf Vigilante 5 PF Flexible 📷
Nash McCoy, resourceful conscript Owlin Artificer 3 D&D 5E Free 📷
Tobias — Thorncaeleb Miral'kalyn, sentinel of Rosewood Elf Blood Hunter + Wizard 5 D&D 5E Fixed 📷
Weston Grant, aether auditor Half-elf Wizard + Cleric 3 D&D 5E Free 📷
Yuk, ignoble crusader Goblin Paladin 3 D&D 5E Free 📷
Lou, son of Tyr, woodlands prowler Shifter Ranger 3 D&D 5E Free 📷
Nuvuk, apprehensive guard Human Barbarian 3 D&D 5E Free 📷
Luca Cane, the stowaway mage Human Psychic → Wizard 6 PF2 Fixed 📷
Xolani Nqumela, the escapist Human Magus → Wizard 7 PF2 Free 📷
Nephelcheres Ra-en-khet, oasis gardener Human Summoner → Druid 12 PF2 Fixed 📷
Bou, trinket master Leshy Thaumaturge → Psychic 3 PF2 Free 📷
Vodan of Ironfort, reinforced strongman Dwarf Inventor → Wizard 4 PF2 Free 📷
Fa, blighted composer Human Bard 4 PF2 Free 📷
Florentijn van de Reit, dapper tea mage Human Wizard 4 PF2 Free 📷
Darrax, fervent of Mapïmïtuti Kobold Oracle 4 PF Flexible 📷
Neeraltka, shaman of Mapïmïtuti Kobold Oracle 6 PF Flexible 📷
Flotsam, fervent of Umisumêra Sahuagin Barbarian 4 PF Flexible 📷
Zarkbar, boastful occultist Kobold Bard → Sorcerer, Rogue 9 PF2 Fixed 📷
Wilson Dragonmire, exiled wildmage Human Sorcerer 4 PF2 Free 📷
Hubert Freemane, professor of applied philosophy Human Monk → Cleric 4 PF2 Free 📷
Eljira Mendelssohn, blessed by the tide star Human Kineticist 4 PF2 Free 📷
Flimflam, the flimsy flame Sprite Kineticist → Wizard 4 PF2 Free 📷
Thuja, the not-so-towering Leshy Kineticist 4 PF2 Free 📷
Rii, stormnight thief Strix Kineticist → Rogue 4 PF2 Free 📷
Nadday du clan des Récoltes, who acts without thinking Gnome Barbarian 2 PF2 Flexible 📷
Vinnay du clan des Récoltes, who thinks too long Gnome Champion 2 PF2 Flexible 📷
Akela Kipling, child survivor Human Monk 2 PF2 Flexible 📷
Phao Kipling, child drifter Human Barbarian 2 PF2 Flexible 📷
Su-Lam Freyarwyntalaen, lifeline of the gravelands Elf Druid 3 PF2 Flexible 📷
Connor Siddlan, illustrious cerberus Human Fighter → Kineticist 4 PF2 Flexible 📷
Leon Yang, initiate of omens and secrets Human Sorcerer 4 PF2 Flexible 📷
Chalia Leobans, surveillance operative Elf Rogue → Psychic 4 PF2 Flexible 📷
Dawn Murin, vigilant mechanist Human Inventor 4 PF2 Flexible 📷
Verano D'Ori, down on his luck Human Ranger 4 PF2 Free 📷
Avila Jacobson, Boros lieutenenant Human Champion & Sorcerer 6 PF2 Flexible 📷
Hegemon of Xanthuun, the hyena Orc Druid 7 PF2 Free 📷
Cassius Paesentius Papinian, the living statue Automaton Exemplar 6 PF2 Free 📷
Ficiel d'Azorius, magical lawyer Elf Wizard → Champion 5 PF2 Free 📷
Zerak, the lab assistant Waterbender Successor ATLA Fixed 📷
Ann Pietra, called to divine duty Half-elf Cleric + Paladin + Warlock 5 D&D 5E Free 📷
Meso, nowhere to go Fetchling Thaumaturge 1 PF2 Free 📷
Thorvald Haraldson, amber warrior Human Champion 2 PF2 Fixed 📷
Yoan De Laekastel , spawn of the outer rift Elf Witch 2 PF2 Free 📷
Roch Bruneau, journaliste d'investigation Owlin Artificer 5 D&D 5E Fixed 📷
Sycaä A'Klak , born defender Nagaji Runesmith 7 PF2 Fixed 📷
Steve Conlin, gunmarshal Human Gunslinger 3 PF2 Flexible 📷
Lei Fang, the hunted Earthbender Guardian ATLA Fixed 📷
Name Type CR Edition
Sabrina the Sphinx, sworn into servitude Vampire Gynosphinx 10 PF
Slithers IV, the hydra's sacrifice Ghost Naga 11 PF
Lirtim Vesenia, potion shop owner Gnome Master Chymist 5 PF
Lirtim Vesenia, possessed by the gorgon Half-orc Master Chymist 5 PF
Raphaël Kalchas, red vampire Vampire Human Bard 8 PF
Generic Shadow Drake Giant Drake 3 PF
Generic Creeper Aberration 2 PF
Lord Nago, corrupted boar Giant Dire Boar 5 PF
Lord Moro, defiant wolf Giant Advanced Dire Wolf 5 PF
Lord Ubuhamya, drunken ape Giant Advanced Dire Ape 5 PF
Vistroth, corrupted devil Advanced Bearded Devil 6 PF
Jiko-Bô, black-blooded dryad Dryad + Oracle 9 PF
Kiki-Jiki, pirate chieftain Grindylow Cleric 4 PF
Vanessa Leroux, master locksmith, a.k.a. Konda Mogami, spying extortionist Vampire Kitsune Investigator 6 PF
Sylvestre McSween, dark evicesrator Vampire Human Slayer 8 PF
Salomon Archibald Thrausvult, immortal godfather Vampire Human Mesmerist 9 PF
Ichao, the defeated Ghost Half-elf Oracle 7 PF
Akai'Anasi Daakhi, herald of death Ghost Drow Spiritualist 7 PF
Revere, faceless monk Prana Ghost Human Monk 9 PF
Venogueron, apostle of the black blood Degenerate Wendigo 10 PF