Scorpion Whip 20×2 S
+15/10 vs AC 6 bab, 6 dex, 1 mwk, 1 size, 1 w.focus
1d3+12 6 dex, 6 precision
Disarm, Performance, Reach, Trip
+20 with Flanking+Banner (5).
1d3+1d6+12 with Flanking (1d6).
Longbow 20×3 100ft P
+14/9 vs AC 6 bab, 6 dex, 1 mwk, 1 size
1d6 0 str
Panache 1 Panache
- Dodging Panache
- For 1 panache, as a safe immediate action
when attacked in melee, move 5 ft and gain 3 dodge AC.
- Precise Strike
- For 1 panache, as a safe swift action,
double your precision bonus on one attack.
Gain 1 panache when you confirm a crit, or kill.
(Except unaware, helpless, or low-level creatures)
Attacks of Opportunity 7/round
Aid Another +7
Improve AC of adjacent ally as an AoO.
Tactician 2/day
As a safe standard action,
grant Precise Strike
to allies within 30ft for 6 rounds.
Knave Standard
Allies with 60ft get +2 dodge vs AoO from moving and +1 morale to hit when flanking.
Challenge 2/day
Start as a safe swift action.
+6 damage vs target, -2 AC vs non-target.
Allies get +2 circumstance to melee attacks vs target.
Animal Focus 6 min/day
- Bull: +2 enhancement to STR
- Snake: +2 to/vs AoO
- Kite: Increases magical healing by 1.
- Ram: +1 damage on charge.
- Sha: Ignore penalties from sandstorms.
- Bee: +4 competence to Fly
- Cat: +4 competence to Acrobatics
- Crocodile: +4 competence to Swim
- Falcon: +4 competence to Perception
- Jackal: +4 competence to Survival
- Leopard: +4 competence to Escape Artist
- Lion: +4 competence to Intimidate