Yrma Eowan Alvaro Iacobel Santo, azata-touched beastmaster

CG Small humanoid (halfling)
10 12, -2
22 17, 2, 1, 2
14 12, 2
Fey Thoughts
Fleet of Foot
Hunter 6
Scarab Stalker
Cavalier 6
Daring Champion
Order of the Dragon
30 ft.
Desert Walker
Common, Halfling

Halfling Ranger w/ Crocodile ©u/Cherubiel
Exotic Weapon Proficiency
feat taxes
Agile Maneuvers bonus
Combat Expertise bonus
Weapon Finesse bonus
level 1
Combat Reflexes min.1
cavalier 1
Precise Strike min.1
hunter 2
Outflank bonus
level 3
Bodyguard min.1
hunter 3
Pack Flanking min.1
level 5
Weapon Focus min.1
cavalier 6
Slashing Grace min.1
hunter 6
Broken Wing Gambit min.5
level 7
Paired Opportunists min.1

36 ranks. Other class skills: Craft, Profession.

Your Spell DC is 10 + the spell level + your Wisdom modifier.
To make a concentration check, add your caster level + your Wisdom modifier.
To affect foes with spell resistance, make a caster level check ≥SR.

Level 0

Level 1 5/day

Level 2 4/day

  • 8 Init 6 dex, 2
  • 74 HP 6 cavalier: 10 class, 2 con; 2 fc
  • 27 AC touch 19, flat-footed 20 10, 6 dex, 5 armor, 2 shield, 1 size, 1 dodge, 1 natural, 1 deflection
    +2 dodge vs AoO from moving
  • 10 Fort 2 con, 5 class, 1 racial, 2 resistance
  • 14 Ref 6 dex, 5 class, 1 racial, 2 resistance
  • 7 Will 2 wis, 2 class, 1 racial, 2 resistance
  • 11 CMB; 23 CMD 6 bab, 6 dex, 0 str, -1 size, 1 dodge, 1 deflection

Scorpion Whip 20×2 S

+15/10 vs AC 6 bab, 6 dex, 1 mwk, 1 size, 1 w.focus
1d3+12 6 dex, 6 precision
Disarm, Performance, Reach, Trip

+20 with Flanking+Banner (5).
1d3+1d6+12 with Flanking (1d6).

Longbow 20×3 100ft P

+14/9 vs AC 6 bab, 6 dex, 1 mwk, 1 size
1d6 0 str

Panache 1 Panache

Dodging Panache
For 1 panache, as a safe immediate action when attacked in melee, move 5 ft and gain 3 dodge AC.
Precise Strike
For 1 panache, as a safe swift action, double your precision bonus on one attack.

Gain 1 panache when you confirm a crit, or kill.
(Except unaware, helpless, or low-level creatures)

Attacks of Opportunity 7/round

Aid Another +7

Improve AC of adjacent ally as an AoO.

Tactician 2/day

As a safe standard action, grant Precise Strike to allies within 30ft for 6 rounds.

Knave Standard

Allies with 60ft get +2 dodge vs AoO from moving and +1 morale to hit when flanking.

Challenge 2/day

Start as a safe swift action. +6 damage vs target, -2 AC vs non-target.
Allies get +2 circumstance to melee attacks vs target.

Animal Focus 6 min/day

Start as a safe swift action.
  • Bull: +2 enhancement to STR
  • Snake: +2 to/vs AoO
  • Kite: Increases magical healing by 1.
  • Ram: +1 damage on charge.
  • Sha: Ignore penalties from sandstorms.
  • Bee: +4 competence to Fly
  • Cat: +4 competence to Acrobatics
  • Crocodile: +4 competence to Swim
  • Falcon: +4 competence to Perception
  • Jackal: +4 competence to Survival
  • Leopard: +4 competence to Escape Artist
  • Lion: +4 competence to Intimidate

Yrma – Art by u/Cherubiel

Halfling Ranger w/ Crocodile ©u/Cherubiel