Rovru le Rouge, chef de la tribu

NE Medium humanoid
22 16, 2, 2, 2
16 14, 2
Heart of the Fey
Shifter 9
Dragonblood Shifter
Low-light vision
30 ft.
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Common, Druidic

Argonian ©Idia Erharuyi
Berserker of the Society
Mother's Teeth
Power Attack
Step Up
Weapon Focus (Natural) min.1
level 1
Multiattack min.1
shifter 1
Feral Combat Training (Claws) bonus
level 5
Shifter's Rush min.4
level 9
Raking Claws min.8

54 ranks. Other class skills: Craft, Profession.

  • 2 Init 2 dex
  • 113 HP 9 shifter: 10 class, 2 con; 9 FC; -4 rolled
    Resist 10 fire
  • 19 AC touch 16, flat-footed 10, 2 dex, 3 armor, 3, 1 deflection
  • 11 Fort 2 con, 6 class, 3 resistance
  • 12 Ref 2 dex, 6 class, 1 racial, 3 resistance
  • 10 Will 3 wis, 3 class, 1 racial, 3 resistance
  • +2 vs sleep, paralysis
  • 15 CMB; 31 CMD 9 bab, 6 str, 2 dex, 3, 1 deflection

Shifter Claws 20×2 BS

PA -3/+6
+17/17 vs AC 9 bab, 6 str, 1 enh, 1 w.focus
1d6+7 +1d6🔥 6 str, 1 enh
Counts as magic, cold-iron, and silver.
+1d6 bleed.

Mother's Teeth 20×2 BPS

PA -3/+3
+15 vs AC 9 bab, 6 str, 1 enh, 1 w.focus, -2 secondary
1d2+4 +1d6🔥 3 str½, 1 enh

Full Attack: 1 Bite, 2 Claws

Draconic Aspect (Su) Always On

  • 2 Init 2 dex
  • 122 HP 9 shifter: 10 class, 3 con; 9 FC; -4 rolled
    Resist 30 fire, Vulnerability cold +50% dmg
  • 25 AC touch 18, flat-footed 10, 2 dex, 3 armor, 4 natural, 5, 1 deflection
  • 12 Fort 3 con, 6 class, 3 resistance
  • 12 Ref 2 dex, 6 class, 1 racial, 3 resistance
  • 10 Will 3 wis, 3 class, 1 racial, 3 resistance
  • +2 vs sleep, paralysis
  • 17 CMB; 35 CMD 9 bab, 8 str, 2 dex, 5, 1 deflection

Bite 20×2 BPS

PA -3/+6
+19 vs AC 9 bab, 8 str, 1 enh, 1 w.focus
1d8+9 +1d6🔥 8 str, 1 enh

Claws 20×2 BS

PA -3/+6
+19 vs AC 9 bab, 8 str, 1 enh, 1 w.focus
1d6+9 +1d6🔥 8 str, 1 enh

Wings 20×2 B

PA -3/+3
+17 vs AC 9 bab, 8 str, 1 enh, 1 w.focus, -2 secondary
1d4+5 +1d6🔥 4 str½, 1 enh

Full Attack: 1 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Wings

Breath Weapon (Su) 1/hour

Breath Weapon 🔥

Reflex DC 17 halves 10, 4 shifter½, 3 con
Targets all foes in a 30ft cone.

Wild Shape (Su) 12h/day

Start as a safe standard action (or a safe free action when moving).

As form of the dragon I, you gain: fly 60 ft. (poor), darkvision 60ft.

  • 2 Init 2 dex
  • 140 HP 9 shifter: 10 class, 5 con; 9 FC; -4 rolled
    Resist 30 fire, Vulnerability cold +50% dmg
  • 23 AC touch 16, flat-footed 10, 2 dex, 3 armor, 4 natural, 5, 1 deflection, -2 rage
  • 14 Fort 5 con, 6 class, 3 resistance
  • 12 Ref 2 dex, 6 class, 1 racial, 3 resistance
  • 12 Will 3 wis, 3 class, 1 racial, 3 resistance, 2 morale
  • +2 vs sleep, paralysis
  • 19 CMB; 37 CMD 9 bab, 10 str, 2 dex, 5, 1 deflection

Bite 20×2 BPS

PA -3/+6
+21 vs AC 9 bab, 10 str, 1 enh, 1 w.focus
1d8+11 +1d6🔥 10 str, 1 enh

Claws 20×2 BS

PA -3/+6
+21 vs AC 9 bab, 10 str, 1 enh, 1 w.focus
1d6+11 +1d6🔥 10 str, 1 enh

Wings 20×2 B

PA -3/+3
+19 vs AC 9 bab, 10 str, 1 enh, 1 w.focus, -2 secondary
1d4+6 +1d6🔥 5 str½, 1 enh

Full Attack: 1 Bite, 2 Claws, 2 Wings

Breath Weapon (Su) 1/hour

Breath Weapon 🔥

Reflex DC 19 halves 10, 4 shifter½, 5 con
Targets all foes in a 30ft cone.

Rage (Ex) 14 rounds/day

Start/end as a safe free action, fatigued when it ends.

Guide used: Becoming the Chimera ©Archmage Variel.

Rovru is the current leader of the hidden tribe of Nada, a place where everyone has some form of lycanthropy. Immune amongst themselves, they isolate from the rest of civilization to avoid spreading their curse, supporting each other in their new community. Rovru's own form of lycanthropy is somewhat unique, making him a were-dragon. The curse was brought on him by his secret most prized possession: a dragon stone, found in the heart of a Red Dragon.

Rovru studies his half-form's powers like a monk. His discipline produced very encouraging results, and his raw power is unmatched in Nada. That made him the chief of the tribe, more or less directly.

He dwells very little on his past life. Most in the tribe have heard nothing about it. As a starting adventurer, he was recruited for a mass attack against a dragon, survived through sheer luck, and tracked the bleeding, dying dragon through the deep forest. Arriving first, he knew to take the stone (else the dragon would recover) but he wasn't prepared for the effect the stone would have on his mind. The power! He took revenge on a long-time rival by burning down his house (and neighbors for good measure), slaughtering and pillaging, framing it as an attack the previous red dragon would have made before dying. After the initial rush, his human conscience prevailed, and he started his exile.

As the chief, he is responisble for keeping the tribe secret, and he knows well the few outsiders who are connected (closest being Hugo and Vincenzo).

Rovru has heard of other dragons, living on the coast, not too far from his village. He is very tempted to try to get ahold of a second dragon stone, to see how much power it could procure.

Brave and disciplined
254 lbs
6' 6''

Rovru – Art by Idia Erharuyi

Argonian ©Idia Erharuyi