Your Spell DC is 10 + the spell level + your Wisdom modifier.
To make a concentration check, add your caster level + your Wisdom modifier.
To affect foes with spell resistance, make a caster level check ≥SR.
This build counts on the "Minimum 1" Panache Pool size.
Up to level 9, you don't get real bonuses from keeping 1 in your panache pool (+2 init and getting up without AoO, cool but skippable).
At level 9, the bonuses get better, so we pick up Extra Panache.
We also add Clustered Shot, now that we meet the prerequisites.
And maybe get a wolf?
You can't use a longbow while mounted, but you can use a composite longbow!
There's a good combo in Ranged Trip
and Relentless Shot somewhere.
I just haven't made it in a useful build yet.