Bite 20×2 BPS
Full Attack:
Bite, 2 Hooves
+6 vs AC 3 bab, 4 str, -1 size
1d4+4 4 str
Hoof 20×2 B
+1 vs AC 3 bab, 4 str, -1 size, -5 secondary
1d6+2 2 str½
Share Spells (Ex)
Master may cast a spell with a target of "You" on her animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself.
Doing any of these is DC10 HA as free,
Doing anything else is DC25 HA as move,
No penalty when wounded.
- Attack
- Come
- Defend
- Detect
- Down
- Flank
- Hunt
- Menace