Labrag Jevieg Frunkest Fregnag Keenbag Zarost Guélik Bumzam, mountaintop recluse

LN Medium humanoid
10 12, -2
20 17, 1, 2
14 12, 2
10 8, 2
Fell Magic
Fey Thoughts
Monk 5
Flowing Monk
Low-light vision
20 ft.
Common, Gnome, Sylvan

Yuzen - Brianna the winter fist ©b-cesar
Cautious Warrior
Indomitable Faith
Naturally Gifted
Additional Traits
Weapon Finesse
level 1
Dodge + Mobility min.1
monk 1
Deft Manoeuvers (Gr, Re, Tr) min.1
Improved Unarmed Strike bonus
level 3
Crane Style min.1
monk 4
Ki Power: Barkskin (1 Ki) min.4
level 5
Crane Wing min.5
monk 5
Style Strike: Spin Kick
monk 6
Deflect Arrows min.1
Ki Power: Deny Death min.1
level 7
Crane Riposte min.7

20 ranks. Other class skills: Craft, Intimidate, Knowledge (History, Nature, Religion), Perform, Profession.

  • 7 Init 5 dex, 2 trait
  • 61 HP 5 monk: 10 class, 2 con; 5 fc; -4 rolled
  • 25 AC touch 25, flat-footed 19 10, 5 dex, 4 armor, 1 size, 1 dodge, 3 wis, 1 deflection
    +2 dodge vs AoO from moving
    +1/2/3 dodge when adjacent to 1/2/3 foes.
    +4 dodge vs giants.
    Deflect the first melee attack that would hit you by ≤4 each round you must be fighting defensively, and not flat-footed.
  • 7 Fort 2 con, 4 class, 1 resistance
    +4 vs disease, poison.
  • 10 Ref 5 dex, 4 class, 1 resistance Evasion
  • 6 Will 3 wis, 1 class, 1 trait, 1 resistance
  • +2 vs Enchantment
  • +2 racial vs Illusion
  • 9 CMB; 23 CMD 5 bab, 0 str, 5 dex, -1 size, 1 dodge, 2 wis, 1 deflection
    +2 to/vs Grapple, Reposition, Trip. These maneuvers don't provoke.

Fell Magic (Sp) CL 5th

Unarmed Strike 20×2 B

Defensively -2/+5
+11/11 vs AC 5 bab, 5 dex, 1 size
When you flurry, make one attack vs flat-footed AC.
+1 vs reptilian, goblinoid.
1d6 +1d6❄️ 0 str

Ki Pool 5 Ki

  • Treat your unarmed attacks as magic when overcoming DR.
  • For 1 ki, as a safe swift action, add an extra attack to your Flurry of Blows.
  • For 1 ki, as a safe standard action, you may use barkskin on yourself.
  • For 2 ki, as a safe immediate action when hit by an attack roll, attempt a Reflex save against that attack roll. On a success, halve damage from that attack, and if the foe hitting you was flanking, their flanking partner becomes a target of the same attack. He also takes half damage, and any secondary effects apply fully to both targets.

Redirection (Ex) 5/day 1/round

As a safe immediate action when a foe you threaten attacks an ally, attempt to reposition or trip that foe. If successful, the foe is also sickened for 2 rounds Reflex DC 15 halves duration. You gain a +2 to CMB and DC for redirection if the foe used Power Attack or charged (+4, if both apply).

Unbalancing Counter (Ex)

Your AoO's make foes flat-footed until the end of your next turn Reflex DC 15 negates.

Accepte d'être appellé simplement Labrag du clan des Marées.

Maître d'arts martiaux, il dirige une petite école à St-Trimothée. Les affaires ne vont pas très fort, peut-être parce qu'il est très rigoureux et exigeant de ses élèves, peut-être parce que les entraînements très spécialisés auxquels il les soumet sont coûteux. Il s'est donc diversifié en tant que jardinier pour un complexe industriel, et utilise quelques techniques magiques pour faire pousser ses récoltes.

Labrag a installé un petit pied-à-terre non loin de la vie, près d'un ruisseau descendant la montagne. Il s'en sert pour méditer et pour des entraînements solitaires (parfois avec ses élèves), ainsi que pour cultiver son propre petit jardin, muni même d'un petit moulin à eau. S'il parvenait à régler ses dettes, il pourrait peut-être s'y installer plus définitivement. Ça lui ferait une bonne retraite. Sa réputation continuerait certainement de lui attirer quelques élèves...

Play Labrag as tired, weary of a world that should be simple but isn't. He has a bit more energy when someone mentions his passions, and becomes agitated when someone mentions his debts.

Understanding and supportive
Shaved clean (normally bright turquoise blue)
41 lbs
3' 6''

Labrag – Art by b-cesar

Yuzen - Brianna the winter fist ©b-cesar