Xavier StrongHelm, archon-touched archer

LG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
16 14, 2
22 17, 2, 1, 2
10 12, -2
Desert Delver
Monk 6
Zen Archer
Qinggong Monk
Inquisitor 6
Sanctified Slayer
War domain
Tactics Subdomain
Darkvision 60ft.
40 ft.
Common, Dwarven

Glory of Old
feat taxes
Deadly Aim bonus
Power Attack bonus
level 1
Steel Soul min.1
monk 1
Improved Unarmed Strike bonus
Point-Blank Shot + Precise Shot min.1
Perfect Strike bonus
monk 2
Dodge + Mobility min.1
Weapon Focus bonus
level 3
Big Game Hunter min.1
monk 3
Point-Blank Master bonus
inqu. 3
Coordinated Shot min.3
monk 4
Qinggong: Ki Stand min.4
level 5
Extended Bane min.5
monk 5
Qinggong: Barkskin min.4
monk 6
Weapon Specialization bonus
Improved Precise Shot bonus
inqu. 6
Enfilading Fire min.3
level 7
Combat Improvement min.7

36 ranks. Other class skills: Craft, Disguise, Perform, Profession, Ride.

Your Spell DC is 10 + the spell level + your Wisdom modifier.
To make a concentration check, add your caster level + your Wisdom modifier.
To affect foes with spell resistance, make a caster level check ≥SR.

Detect Alignment (Sp)

Discern Lies (Sp) 6/day

Level 0

Level 1 6/day

Level 2 5/day

  • 9 Init 1 dex, 2 trait, 6 wis
  • 60 HP 6 inquisitor: 8 class, 1 con; 6 fc
    Resist 1 fire, cold
  • 20 AC touch 20, flat-footed 18 10, 1 dex, 1 dodge, 6 wis, 1 class, 1 deflection
    +4 vs AoO from moving
  • 7 Fort 1 con, 5 class, 1 resistance
  • 7 Ref 1 dex, 5 class, 1 resistance
  • 12 Will 6 wis, 5 class, 1 resistance
  • +5 racial vs poison, spells, and Sp
  • 7 CMB; 27 CMD 4 bab, 3 str, 1 dex, 1 dodge, 6 wis, 1 class, 1 deflection
    +4 racial vs bull rush / trip

Longbow 20×3 110ft P

+12/12/7 vs AC 4 bab, 6 wis, 1 mwk, 1 w.focus
+1 racial vs orcs or goblins
1d8+6 +1d6🧪 3 str, 2 w.spec, 1 enh

+20 with Flanking allies (4), Study (2), Point-Blank (1), Deadly Aim (-2), Large (1), Bane (2).
1d8+4d6+17 with Sneak (1d6), Study (2), Point-Blank (1), Deadly Aim (4), Large (2), Bane (2d6+2).

Unarmed Strike 20×2 B

+7 vs AC 4 bab, 3 str
+1 racial vs orcs or goblins
1d8+3 3 str

Perfect Strike 6/day

Bane 12/day

Sneak Attack 1d6

Studied Target +2

As a safe move action (or immediate action when sneak attack).
Applies to Attack, Damage, Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival.

Seize the Initiative (Su) 9/day

An ally gains advantage on initiative.

Ki Pool 9 Ki

Desert Delver

Treat extreme conditions as 20° more favorable

Guides used: Zen Archer Handbook ©StreamOfTheSky, The Inquisitor's Symposium ©Allerseelen.