Longbow 20×3 110ft P
+12/12/7 vs AC 4 bab, 6 wis, 1 mwk, 1 w.focus
+1 racial vs orcs or goblins
1d8+6 +1d6🧪 3 str, 2 w.spec, 1 enh
+20 with Flanking allies (4), Study (2), Point-Blank (1), Deadly Aim (-2), Large (1), Bane (2).
1d8+4d6+17 with Sneak (1d6), Study (2), Point-Blank (1), Deadly Aim (4), Large (2), Bane (2d6+2).
Unarmed Strike 20×2 B
+7 vs AC 4 bab, 3 str
+1 racial vs orcs or goblins
1d8+3 3 str
Sneak Attack 1d6
Studied Target +2
As a safe move action
(or immediate action when sneak attack).
Applies to Attack, Damage, Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival.
Seize the Initiative (Su) 9/day
An ally gains advantage on initiative.
Ki Pool 9 Ki
- Treat your unarmed attacks as magic when overcoming DR.
- For 1 ki, as a safe swift action, add an extra attack to your Flurry of Blows.
- For 1 ki, as a safe swift action, gain +20ft speed.
- For 1 ki, as a safe swift action, gain +4 dodge to AC.
- For 1 ki, as a safe swift action, gain +50ft range increment.
For 1 ki, as a safe swift action, augment arrow damage to 1d8.
- For 1 ki, as a safe standard action, cast barkskin.
- As an unsafe swift action, stand up.
- For 1 ki, as a safe swift action, stand up.
Desert Delver
Treat extreme conditions as 20° more favorable