Guide used: All the World's a Stage, and You the Stage Director ©jb200.
Disarm, trip, and sunder are peculiar combat maneuvers.
They can be done with a weapon. Therefore, modifiers to the weapon also apply to them. This includes w.finesse, w.focus, and enhancement bonus.
They are also worded such that they "replace an attack" instead of "as a standard action". This implies that they can be used as attacks of opportunity.
You can't maneuver a creature more than 1 size larger than you with a weapon.
Drag and reposition are cousins of trip.
They can be done with a trip weapon, and modifiers to the trip weapon also apply to them, just like trip. (APG)
However, these maneuvers can only be executed as standard actions, and not as attacks of opportunity.
- Qualities
- Studious and resourceful
- Fault
- Power-Hungry
- Eyes
- Brown
- Hair
- Blonde
- Age
- 25
- Weight
- 156 lbs
- Height
- 5' 7''