Revere, faceless monk

N Medium outsider (augmented, extraplanar, incorporeal)
18 14, 4
18 14, 4
28 18, 2, 2, 2, 4
Prana Ghost CR +1
Monk 8
Ki Mystic
Quingong Monk
Darkvision 60ft.
Fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Ancient Common
You don't breathe, eat, or sleep.

Life of Toil
Quick Reactor
Wisdom in the Flesh
Additional Traits
Skill Focus (Perception)
prana ghost
Improved Initiative
level 1
Crushing Blow min.1
monk 1
Dodge + Mobility min.1
Improved Unarmed Strike bonus
Stunning Fist bonus
level 3
Mantis Style min.3
monk 4
Ki Power: mighty fist of the earth
level 5
Ki Diversity (Dim Mak) min.3
monk 5
Ki Power: burst of adrenaline
level 7
Mantis Wisdom min.6
monk 7
Ki Power: gaseous form
level 9
Mantis Torment min.9

40 ranks. Other class skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Linguistics, Perform, Profession, Ride, Swim, and more skills granted by the Outsider creature type.

  • 10 Init 4 dex, 2 trait, 4 feat
  • 110 HP 8 monk: 8 class, 4 con, 1 feat; 8 fc; -2 rolled
    Immune to critical hits & precision damage, except ghost touch,
    Immune to non-magical weapons,
    Half Damage from magical weapons or spells, except ghost touch & force spells,
    50% miss chance for corporeal spells and effects that do not cause damage.
    Immune nonlethal
  • 39 AC touch 39, flat-footed 34 10, 4 dex, 6 armor, 9 wis, 1 dodge, 9 deflection
    +2 dodge vs AoO from moving
  • 15 Fort 4 con, 6 class, 1 racial, 1 trait, 3 resistance
  • 15 Ref 4 dex, 6 class, 1 racial, 1 trait, 3 resistance
  • 19 Will 9 wis, 6 class, 1 racial, 3 resistance
  • Immune dazing, sleep, stunning, exhaustion, fatigue
  • Immune disease, paralysis, poison, or effects that require a corporeal body
  • 12 CMB; 38 CMD 6 bab, – str, 4 dex, 9 wis, 9 deflection
    Immune trip, grapple, etc.

Unarmed Strike 20×2 B

+16/11 vs AC 6 bab, 9 wis, 1 enh
+2 when attempting Stunning Fist.
1d10+10 9 wis, 1 enh
Counts as magic, cold-iron, and silver.

Stunning Fist 9/day

Once per round, inflict Stunned 1 round || Fatigued || Sickened 1 min || see Crushing Blow Fort DC 25 negates.

Advice 17 rounds/day

As a safe move action, start any:
Inspire Courage Su, Audible || Visual
Allies get +2 competence to attack/damage and +2 morale vs charm/fear.
Inspire Competence Su, Audible
An ally (not yourself) within 30 feet gets +3 competence on a skill check.

Ki Pool 15 Ki

Astral Step (Su) 9/day

As a safe standard action, teleport to a space you can see max 60ft away.

Rejuvenation (Su)

A destroyed prana ghost comes back to life in 2d4 days, unless the event creating it is resolved.


  • +50% dmg from negative energy and death effects,
  • +50% negative levels from negative energy effects,
  • +50% Constitution damage and drain from negative energy effects.
  • If you dissipate from this, it takes twice as long to use Rejuvenation.

Guides used: Thread on Reddit, another thread.

He originally was a simple haunt, but he evolved into a character of his own.