Guide used: Guide to the PF2e Rogue ©Tarondor.
Raug gets a bit crazy when he's given a knife... But he learned to turn it to good use, and is a respected Barber among goblins.
Of course, goblins don't grow beards.
Somehow his business still supports him, and he's been used for extracurricular activities like surgery and taxidermy.
Recently converted to Shelyn, he is quite devout, and wishes to use his "talents" to "do good" around him.
He's convinced that waving around his knives is an art that Shelyn would approve of.
When he was chosen for the mission, he was absolutely delighted.
He immediately went shopping for supplies, and his eye was attracted to a magic rapier from the gnomes.
The merchant basically tried to swindle him (and mostly succeeded): he talked about the virtues of cold-iron and how critical it was that your weapon was enchanted.
Because Raug couldn't pay for all this, he agreed to a debt to the gnomes' guild.
But it didn't matter to him: he had his new weapon, which he promptly named "Fancy Knife", and he was all set for adventure!
Il y a trois ans, Dalibar Boddynock, jeune élève de Wilbum Trompe-l'Oeil est parti d'Onghon en expédition à travers les marécages du sud.
Son engin s'est écrasé en chemin et il est présumé mort.
Dans ses dernières communication, il avait fait part d'une découverte archéologique surprenante.
Les gnomes ont toujours voulu envoyer des gens le retrouver, mais personne n'avait jamais été volontaire.
Raug accepte donc, pour payer "Fancy Knife", de ramener le journal de Dalibar Boddynock.
Pour aider à le retrouver, ils ont un détecteur lié à la boîte noire de l'engin volant de Dalibar.
- Quality
- Driven and honourable
- Drawback
- Glutton
- Eyes
- Red
- Hair
- None
- Age
- 6
- Weight
- 73 lbs
- Height
- 3' 1''