Nephelcheres Ra-en-khet, oasis gardener

NG Medium Humanoid
4 A, L1, L5, L10
3 L1, L5, L10
4 B, L1, L5, L10
5 A, B, C, L1, L5, L10
Sylph Heritage
Sponsored by a Stranger
Summoner 12
Plant Eidolon
Sarenrae, Nethys
Low-light vision
35 ft.
Mwangi, Osiriani, Fey, Druidic
You don't eat or drink.
You rest in only 6 hours.

Arab Fighter ©zhongping Zhang

Electric Arc 30ft

DC 31 Basic Reflex save primal spell dc
Targets up to 2 foes.

Act Together

Tandem Movement

Manifest Eidolon

Share Senses

Focus Pool 3 FP

Create 6 berries that heal 1d6+4 HP. They last for 10 minutes.
Evolution Surge
For 1 minute, your Eidolon gains +20ft status to its Speed, Huge size, or a Climb / Fly / Swim Speed.
Boost Eidolon [Cantrip]
For 1 round, your Eidolon gains +4 status to damage with Strikes.
[1 FP] The duration is 3 or 4 rounds Nature DC 30.

S. Primal Spells

21 Attack; 31 DC 10, 5 cha, 4 prf, 12 lvl


Rank 5 2/day

Rank 6 2/day

Animal Staff 6 SC

Item Spells

P. Primal Spells

20 Attack; 30 DC 10, 4 wis, 4 prf, 12 lvl


Rank 1

Rank 2

Rank 3

Rank 4


Academic branch affiliation

10 🌧️Rain-Scribes (adaptability)
5 ☀️Tempest-Sun Mages (valor)
Study is a level-based DC.

Guide used: Guide to the PF2e Summoner ©FlurryOfBlunders.

A gifted gardener druid. Born in the not-so-distant Osirion, he was introduced to the small society of Ghorans living in the city. He sought to use his talent for primal magic to help rediscover the secret to the creation of new Ghorans, lost when the ancient druid Ghorus died. His efforts, so far, have only produced his eidolon: a wonderful and prized success, but hardly repeatable. Then out of nowhere a stranger sponsored him to the Magaambya. Feeling like the teachings of millenia-old academia might clue him in to the secret he seeks, he joined as an apprentice.

His father is Nub'hotep Ra-en-khet, a naval engineer, frequently travelling to supervise boat repairs across Osirion. His mother is Teti Hat-mit-ra, a leaf druid, gardener and grocer, specialized in plums and dates. Nephelcheres himself is partial to figs.
Nephelcheres is the youngest of two boys by 3 years; his brother Aanekhtou studied martial arts and disappeared one day, chasing after "the girl of his dreams". He'd always been reckless, the family hopes he's well.

He has a group of childhood friends, most of whom studied druidcraft with him, who encouraged him to pursue the journey to the Mwangi Expanse.

Nephelcheres used his father's influence to find a relatively cheap fare by boat around Garund. The final stretch of his journey, on the Vanji River, was spent on the boat of a cheerful dwarven merchant, Dadroic Bluntriver.

Verdant Staff 6 225$
Spellguard Shield 6 250$
Rooting Weapon Rune 7 360$
Living Mantle 10 1,000$
Laid back and generous
142 lbs
5' 10''
human 1
NA > Extend Boost
summoner 1
Expanded Senses
summoner 2
Alacritous Action
archetype 2
Druid Dedication (Leaf)
general 3
academia 3
Magaambyan Attendant
summoner 4
Tandem Movement
archetype 4
Order Spell (Cornucopia)
human 5
Clever Improviser > UI
summoner 6
Eidolon's Opportunity
archetype 6
Basic Druid Spellcasting
general 7
AP > Swift
academia 7
Rain-Scribe Sustenance
summoner 8
Hulking Size
archetype 8
BW > Leshy Familiar
academia 8
human 9
Wings of Air
summoner 10
Glider Form
archetype 10
Primal Breadth
general 11
Incredible Initiative
summoner 12
Towering Size
archetype 12
Expert Druid Spellcasting
academia 12
Rain-Scribe Mobility
human 13
Airy Step
summoner 14
Airborne Form
archetype 14
AW > Enhanced Familiar
academia 14
Tempest-Sun Redirection
general 15
Feather Step
Natural Medicine
academia 1
Additional Lore (Desert)
academia 2
Additional Lore (Warfare)
skill 2
Battle Medicine
skill 4
Assurance (Medicine)
academia 4
Recognize Spell
skill 6
Bon Mot
skill 8
Quick Recognition
academia 8
Intimidating Glare
academia 9
Robust Recovery
skill 10
Battle Cry
skill 12
Consult the Spirits
skill 14
Quick Climb
Familiar 8
Cantrip Connection
Restorative Familiar
Familiar 14
Familiar Focus
Spell Battery
Trained, Nature*
summoner 1
Trained, Survival*
Trained, Athletics Nature*
Trained, Deception
Trained, Intimidation
Trained, Medicine
archetype 2
Trained, Diplomacy*
Trained, Stealth Nature*
academia 3
Expert, Nature*
skill 3
Expert, Intimidation
skill 5
Expert, Diplomacy
academia 6
Expert, Medicine*
skill 7
Master, Nature
skill 9
Master, Medicine
academia 10
Master, Intimidation Medicine*
skill 11
Master, Diplomacy
academia 12
Expert, Ahtletics Intimidation*
skill 13
Master, Athletics
academia 14
Expert, Survival*
skill 15
Legendary, Nature

Nephelcheres – Art by zhongping Zhang

Arab Fighter ©zhongping Zhang