Ichao, the defeated

N Medium undead (incorporeal)
16 14, 2
26 17, 2, 4, 1, 2
Oracle 6
Shadow Mystery
Blackened Curse
Dual-Cursed: Wrecker Curse
Darkvision 60ft.
Low-Light Vision
Fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Ancient Common, Ancient Elven, Necril
You don't breathe, eat, or sleep.

Wraith ©Uhrwerk

Alternative art

Convincing Liar
Dangerously Curious
Elven Reflexes
Sacred Conduit
Additional Traits
Skill Focus (Perception)
level 1
Noble Scion of War min.1
oracle 1
Cloak of Darkness min.1
level 3
ER > Misfortune min.1
oracle 3
Dark Secrets min.1
level 5
Spell Focus (Necromancy) min.1
oracle 5
Fortune min.5

30 ranks. Other class skills: Craft, Knowledge (history, planes, religion), Profession, and more skills granted by the Undead creature type.

Your Spell DC is 10 + the spell level + your Charisma modifier.
To make a concentration check, add your caster level + your Charisma modifier.
To affect foes with spell resistance, make a caster level check ≥SR.

Level 0

Level 1 8/day

Level 2 7/day

Level 3 5/day

  • 10 Init 8 cha, 2 trait
  • 97 HP 6 oracle: 8 class, 8 cha; 4 fc; -3 rolled
    Immune to critical hits & precision damage, except ghost touch,
    Immune to non-magical weapons,
    Half Damage from magical weapons or spells, except ghost touch & force spells,
    50% miss chance for corporeal spells and effects that do not cause damage.
    Immune nonlethal
  • 25 AC touch 21, flat-footed 22 10, 3 dex, 4 armor, 8 deflection
  • Fort 8 cha, 2 class
  • 5 Ref 3 dex, 2 class
  • 7 Will 2 wis, 5 class
  • Channel resistance +4
  • Immune mind-affecting, sleep, stunning, exhaustion, fatigue
  • Immune bleed, death, disease, paralysis, poison
  • Immune ability drain (all), ability damage (physical stats)
  • 7 CMB; 25 CMD 4 bab, – str, 3 dex, 8 deflection
    Immune trip, grapple, etc.

Corrupting Touch (Su)

+7 vs TouchAC 4 bab, 3 dex
7d6 7 CR
Fort DC 21 halves. Bypasses DR. Resistance/immunity to aging applies.

Frightful Moan (Su)

As a safe standard action, all living creatures within 30ft are panicked for 2d4 rounds Will DC 21 negates, [sonic, mind-affecting, fear].
Creatures that save are immune for 24h.

Channel Energy (Su) 5/day

As a safe standard action, divide 3d6 between undead and living.
(3d6+8)÷2 negative energy, 30ft radius Will DC 22 halves.

Darkness Variant Channeling: light level drops by one in the area for 1 minute. All healed gain darkvision 30ft until the end of your next turn.

Misfortune (Ex) 1/target/day

As a safe immediate action, force a creature within 30ft to reroll a d20.

Fortune (Ex) 2/day

As a safe immediate action, you reroll a d20.

Curses: Blackened, Wrecker

-4 to all weapon attacks, and all held objects count as broken.

Rejuvenation (Su)

A destroyed ghost comes back to unlife in 2d4 days, unless the event creating it is resolved.

Guides used: Thread on Reddit, Bell, Book, & Candle ©Allerseelen.

Ichao – Art by Helge C. Balzer

Wraith ©Uhrwerk

Ichao – Art by Wizards of the Coast (Wisnu Tan)

Elderfang Ritualist ©WotC