As a safe standard action,
all living creatures within 30ft are panicked for 2d4 rounds
Will DC 21 negates, [sonic, mind-affecting, fear].
Creatures that save are immune for 24h.
As a safe standard action,
divide 3d6 between undead and living.
(3d6+8)÷2 negative energy, 30ft radius
Will DC 22 halves.
Darkness Variant Channeling: light level drops by one in the area for 1 minute. All healed gain darkvision 30ft until the end of your next turn.
As a safe immediate action, force a creature within 30ft to reroll a d20.
As a safe immediate action, you reroll a d20.
-4 to all weapon attacks, and all held objects count as broken.
A destroyed ghost comes back to unlife in 2d4 days, unless the event creating it is resolved.