Akai'Anasi Daakhi, herald of death

CE Medium undead (incorporeal)
24 17, 4, 1, 2
12 10, 2
14 12, 2
24 16, 2, 4, 2
Drow Noble
Ambitious Schemer
Spiritualist 6
Fractured Mind
Darkvision 120ft.
Light Blindness
Fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Elven, Undercommon, Drow Sign Language
You don't breathe, eat, or sleep.

Akai Anasi ©Jack Meng Kirkman
Into Enemy Territory
Surface Stranger
Two-World Magic
Additional Traits
Skill Focus (Perception)
Greater Drow Nobility
Improved Umbral Scion
Noble Spell Resistance
level 1
Noble Scion of War min.1
level 3
Flyby Attack min.1
level 5
Combat Reflexes min.1

30 ranks. Other class skills: Craft, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Profession, and more skills granted by the Undead creature type.

Your Spell DC is 10 + the spell level + your Charisma modifier.
To make a concentration check, add your caster level + your Charisma modifier.
To affect foes with spell resistance, make a caster level check ≥SR.

Occult Magic Rules

Somatic → Emotion (cannot be cast while under [emotion|fear] effect)
Verbal → Thought (concentration -10, safe move action negates)
Undercasting (If I know Summon Monster IV, I also automatically know Summon Monster III, II, I)

Drow Magic (Sp) CL 6th

Level 0

Level 1 6/day

Level 2 5/day

Emotional Power - Zeal (Sp)

Telekinesis (Su) CL 12th

Phantasmagoria (Su) CL 7th

  • 9 Init 7 cha, 2 trait
  • 94 HP 6 spiritualist: 8 class, 7 cha; 6 fc; -2 rolled
    Immune to critical hits & precision damage, except ghost touch,
    Immune to non-magical weapons,
    Half Damage from magical weapons or spells, except ghost touch & force spells,
    50% miss chance for corporeal spells and effects that do not cause damage.
    Immune nonlethal
  • 28 AC touch 24, flat-footed 21 10, 7 dex, 4 armor, 7 deflection
  • Fort 7 cha, 5 class
  • 10 Ref 7 dex, 2 class, 1 trait
  • 7 Will 2 wis, 5 class
  • Channel resistance +4
  • Immune mind-affecting, sleep, stunning, exhaustion, fatigue
  • Immune bleed, death, disease, paralysis, poison
  • Immune ability drain (all), ability damage (physical stats)
  • 17 SR
  • 11 CMB; 28 CMD 4 bab, – str, 7 dex, 7 deflection
    Immune trip, grapple, etc.

Corrupting Ectoplasmic Lashes (Su)

+13 vs TouchAC 4 bab, 7 dex, 2 enh
7d6+2 7 CR, 2 enh
Fort DC 20 halves. Bypasses DR. Resistance/immunity to aging applies.
Reach 10ft.

Poison Use

Surface Stranger

Miss chances due to darkness increase by 10%.

Spiritual Combat

During full attack, take -2 penalty and cast a standard-action spell.
Deliver spiritualist spells with a free weapon attack. You can't hold the charge if you miss.

Rejuvenation (Su)

A destroyed ghost comes back to unlife in 2d4 days, unless the event creating it is resolved.

🏷️ "C'est ridicule."

A power-hungry drow who refused to let herself be corrupted, seeing those who relied on such bargains as "weak". She remained loyal to her distant queen, and slaughtered countless of her kin who bore the corruption. She is the one who slayed Neb'sothar of Kosnom; she made quite a spectacle of it, too. She believes that gave her the lead of their expedition.

As a spiritualist, she knew a great deal about the Astral Plane, and as she died her soul had no difficulty finding the way back to the Material plane as one of the ghosts she once bound. Still loyal to her queen, her mission is to destroy all who become corrupted. Her queen will surely reward her with absolute power over this realm that she now left. She must find the source of corruption and destroy it once and for all.

There is an exception to this plan, though, in the form of Jiko-Bô, the corrupted dryad. She seems to not be completely overwhelmed by the black blood, able to balance its influence with her will. Akai'Anasi is intrigued, and allies able to help solve the mystery are welcome. She has helped her dryad friend ambush the Griffon & Saphir 💎 once, but now that she has seen their strength, Akai'Anasi is thinking of recruiting them as allies too. From her perspective, infighting amongst her allies is good, because they won't be targeting her.

She is aware of Acastetrios and Ichao's existence, and they are helpful in preventing the corruption from escaping, so she leaves them alone. They are not aware of her, as far as she knows.

Decisive & direct
Foul Brand
2,659; died at 285
Weightless (was 170 lbs)
6' 6''

Akai'Anasi – Art by Jack Meng Kirkman

Akai Anasi ©Jack Meng Kirkman