PF2 One-Shot de Noël

This is made for a party of level 3, with these houserules.


Santa Claus has been kidnapped and is being impersonated by a vampire. The vampire is now receiving letters from children all over the world inviting him into their houses, and he plans to use Santa's sleigh to feed on all of them.


  • Vampire Count (CR6, severe encounter)
    • Erem Bantas Nezer, count of Banemoon
    • He raised an army of gremlins to fight Santa's crew of elves
    • E.B. Nezer, lol
  • Vampire Spawn (CR4, severe encounter)
    • Grant Rinch (rogue, as described
    • Gregory Rinch (fighter: remove society, stealth, sneak attack; add AoO and +2 to hit)
    • Two brothers, sired by Count Nezer
    • G.Rinch, lol
  • Gremlin, Gnagrif (CR2)
  • Gremlin, Nuglub (CR2)
  • Gremlin, Jinkin (CR1)
  • Gremlin, Vexgit (CR1)


1. Taverne

2. Infiltration du Pôle Nord

3. Infiltration du vaisseau volant

4. Rattraper le traîneau du vampire


Skipper Gigglynose
Arrives at the northern tavern late on the night before Christmas, looking for adventurers that can help.
Molly Gingershoes
Greets the adventurers at Santa's workshop. The magic to make truly helpful items is gone, but she will give each adventurer two items from the pile of rejects in case they help.
Carol Startoes
A wheelchair-bound elf. She understands that the magic of the airship is the same as her wheelchair's: it's the Fée des Étoiles!
Bouncy Glittersun
Chief of the elf militia fighting the gremlins, he helped Skipper escape.
Use this elf-name generator
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Dixen
Mrs. Claus
She is resisting with the rest of the elves. She's a gifted healer, so she's been healing all the elves she could. She can talk to animals: only her can convince the reindeers to bring players up to the airship. She has an empathic link with Santa, so she knows he's alive and in the airship, but not much more. She can explain to the players the Fée des Étoiles has the power to transfer Santa's power. She's still a bit bitter at the Fée for choosing her husband: she just wanted a simple life!
La Fée des Étoiles
She lives alone, so she was attacked first by Count Nezer and is dominated. Her magic powers the evil airship. She has been forced to transfer Santa's powers to Count Nezer: thus, he's the "Santa" that the children invite in their letters, and he can fly the magic sleigh.
Nicholas "Santa" Claus
Sequestered in the evil airship. He will fix the useless items the party got into something useable and awesome, if freed. He also knows a trick with fairy powder that can help the Fée des Étoiles recover her senses.