Undead Campaign
GM Screen
- Razzia Rymar, maréchal-ferrant
- Dalrammas, Conjurateur hors-la-loi
- Milvithys, black dragon
- Acruta, dragon cultist
Lao, dragon assassin
- D'nor, dragon bodyguard
- Drakshir Opalforge, duergar mob boss
a.k.a. Khuldu Brithrir, gnome illusionist
- Frann EmeraldHunter, duergar mushdruid
- Cervantes, Oozemorph Thief
- Ourim/Toumim PeridotBrander, duergar scouts
- Balthazar Orfas, of Abadar's Clergy Cleric 5
- Melchior Melob, of Abadar's Clergy Wizard 7
- Omet Rodworo, traitor elementalist
- Artéfiel de l'Arche d'Or, bouclier céleste
- Jeanne Urbosh, vanguard leader
- Philippe de Lumlance, lore warden
- Pierre de Lumlance, sensate archer
- Denise Brunel, enthusiast of Desna
- Bernard Rydek, warlock of undeath
Future Encounters
- 8 Yuki-Onna
- 7 White Dragon, Juvenile
- 7 Two-headed winter Worg
- 6 Will-o-wisp
- 5 Winter Wolf
- 11 Black Dragon, Adult
- 10 Black Dragon, Young Adult
- 8 Black Dragon, Young
- 5 Milvithys' Acolytes: Acruta, Lao, D'nor.
- 3 Duergar
- 12 Lich
- 10 Fext
- 9 Vampire
- 8 Morgh
- 6 Phantom Armor, Lancer
- 5 Mummy
- 4 Scarecrow
- 4 Corpsefeaster Otyugh
- 4 Zuvembie
- 4 Giant Phantom Armor
- 2 Imp Familiar
- ½ Fast Zombies
- 9 Psychopomp, Shoki
- 8 Psychopomp, ember weaver
- 7 Legion Archon
- 6 Monk, Abbey Leader
- 5 Monk, Masters
- 4 Pixie
In the year of mirrors, the dominion of bells shall rise
The bell is cursed, but heals. It can also
reduces DR ans SR: the fairy will know this, and will show up in the hour of need.
Lair below Razzia Rymar's house is
desecrated to Rovagug, has an Altar with a gagged skull.
Puzzle de Logarion
NPCs that must return: Michael (from the duergar labyrinth), Ben & Ryan (the barbarian and paladin from the epic dragon fight)