Guides used:
Rolling on the Floor Cackling ©StreamOfTheSky,
Hubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble ©Brett Leatherman,
A Witch's Guide to Shutting Down Enemies ©CalebTGordan.
Part of the trio of Milvithys's disciples, with Lao and D'nor.
Built to counter Diaelle (Rogue/Warpriest 6) with no attacks that trigger canny dodge, flight, darkness, and spells that require fort saves.
When pursued by a flying enemy, she'll run a while, then just step out of reach,
cast hold person,
and coup de grace her enemy with her ritual dagger.
Her familiar's darkvision can guide her.
It will also constantly cast guidance for +1 competence to saves.
It can reroll a failed save vs mind-affecting (then, you jinx-gorge),
and it can force a reroll for the concealment of your darkness.
- Qualities
- Devoted and talented
- Fault
- Occult Bargain
- Eyes
- Red
- Hair
- Black
- Age
- 46
- Weight
- 143 lbs
- Height
- 5' 5''