Venogueron, apostle of the black blood

CE Large outsider (cold, native)
25 29, -4
25 29, -4
27 31, -4
22 26, -4
16 20, -4
20 24, -4
Halved HD
Blindsight 60ft
Darkvision 60ft
Low-light vision
Fly 120 ft. (perfect)
Aklo, Common, Giant
Telepathy 1 mile
You don't breathe

Leshen ©The Witcher 3
Indomitable Faith
Power Attack
Step Up
level 1
Weapon Focus (Natural)
level 3
Dodge + Mobility
level 5
Flyby Attack
level 7
Dazzling Display
level 9
Shatter Defenses

108 ranks.

Bite 20×2 BPS

PA -3/+6
+16 vs AC 9 bab, 7 str, -1 size, 1 w.focus
2d8+7 +2d6 7 str
Reach 10ft.
On hit, Grab as a safe free action ≤L.

Claw 20×2 BS

PA -3/+6
+16 vs AC 9 bab, 7 str, -1 size, 1 w.focus
2d6+7 +2d6 7 str
Reach 10ft.
Rend, 2 claws: 2d6+10.

Full Attack: 1 Bite, 2 Claw

Wendigo Magic (Sp) CL 9th

Weakened Wendigo Psychosis (Su)

Foes that fail their save vs Wendigo Magic take 1d3 Wis dmg, and if they reach Wis 1 they become a wendigo.

Howl (Ex) 3/day

As a safe standard action, all within 120ft become shaken for 5 minutes Will DC 19 negates; mind-affecting, fear.
Anyone that rolls ≤14 also becomes frightened for 1d4 rounds.

During the aboleth Pd'crizsm's attempt at godhood in ancient times, he set up a contingency. A receptacle for his soul was created in the Abyss, and should he fail, as his soul travelled to the abyss, the receptacle was to trap it. Then, it would wait for an eon (to avoid suspicion) and it would start looking for a way to travel to Pd'crizsm's home plane, where his body would lay decaying.

That receptacle is Venogueron, and so far he completed his job mostly without a hitch. Infused with the aspiring god's soul, he avoided notice in the Abyss for eons, trying to track the plane where his master's body lay. He contacted mortals once in a while with promises of power, taking care to appear like a regular demon. 10,000 years ago he met a drow, and his description of the plane he was on matched. However, the plane was soon abandonned, the curse of the black blood was too strong and too dangerous. It is only recently that he was able to travel to the plane in question, brought as an advisor to Zola the Creator.

Venogueron's stay in the Abyss has profundly changed him. He has become very similar to a Wendigo, altered and enraged by the madness of the Abyss. His skill with curses and his raw power remain untouched, but a blind rage consumes him. Being this close to achieving his mission and still not finding the lost body of Pd'crizsm, even as he feels his influence, is too much.

Venogueron wiped off the kingdom left behind by Queen Deirdre the Stalwart in his mad search. He never found the evidence, but the body he's looking for is deep underground. All the entrances were sealed over the years, and he was partially sealed by Ichao, Vancian, and Bruxia. Recently freed from the seal but simultaneously weakened from it, he resumes his search with a taste for vengeance. He is no longer strong enough to wipe a kingdom and must lay low. But he knows, there are some on this plane who would know the answer he seeks, and he must learn it.

Patient & determined
389 lbs
10' 2''

Venogueron – Art from The Witcher 3, modified by an unknown artist

Leshen ©The Witcher 3