Pathfinder 1st-edition Houserules
Pathfinder Character Advancement
Medium XP track.
HD are maxed.
Encumberance will not be tracked.
Unless you really go overboard.
Start with 6000 gold.
Start with 9000 xp.
lvl 4
XP will be shared across all players. Everybody will always have exactly the same XP.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency is a trait, not a feat.
And Gnomes get
Battle Ladder
proficiency for free. It is a monk weapon. I dare you.
When outside combat, every healing spell is maximized.
Any dice roll counts as if it rolled the maximum possible value.
Much like taking 20, the spell takes proportionally more time to cast.
Popcorn initiative
Flexible Races
Allowed Material
Official Paizo content is always* allowed.
Third-party content and homebrews will generally be allowed, but check with the GM first.
*Banned Material
Sacred Geometry
Optional Rules - Not used unless specifically mentioned
Removing Feat Taxes
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