Pathfinder 2nd-edition Comparison of Classes

This is a list of official Pathfinder 2nd-edition classes. Here's hoping it helps you too!

This chart assumes you are trained in everything mentionned at first level, then lists the levels at which your proficiency increases. For example, Alchemists have Fortitude "1, 11" because (we assume they're Trained off the bat) they increase to Expert at 1st level, then Master at 11th level.

Legendary proficiencies will always be bold.

HP and skills are sorted from best to worst. Having Con or Int as a Key Stat increases the ranking by one step.

HP Skill Key Stat Class Weapon Damage Armor Fort Ref Will Percep Class DC Spells
8 4 Int Alchemist Simple+, 7 13 Medium, 13, 19 1, 11 1, 15 7 9 9, 17
8 4 Wis Animist Simple, 11 13 Medium, 11 3 11 1, 13 9 7, 15, 19 Prep/Spon Divine
12 4 Str Barbarian Martial, 5, 13 7, 15, Crit 5 Medium, 13, 19 1, 7, 13 9 1, 15 1, 17 11, 19
8 6 Cha Bard Martial, 11 13, Crit 11 Light, 13 9 3 1, 9, 17 1, 11 7, 15, 19 Spontaneous Occult
10 4 Str/Dex Champion Martial, 5, 13 7, 15, Crit 3 Heavy, 7, 13, 17 1, 9 9 1, 11 11 9, 17
8 4 Wis Cleric, Cloistered Simple+, 11 13, Crit 11 None, 13 3 11 1, 9 5 7, 15, 19 Prepared Divine
8 4 Wis Cleric, Warpriest Martial, 7, 19 13, Crit 7 Medium, 13 1, 15 11 1, 9 5 11, 19 Prepared Divine
8 3 Int Commander Martial, 5, 13 7, 15, Crit 5 Heavy, 11, 17 9 1, 15 1, 11 1, 13 7, 15, 19
8 4 Wis Druid Simple, 11 13 Medium, 13 3 5 1, 11 3 7, 15, 19 Prepared Primal
10 5 Str/Dex Exemplar Martial, 5, 13 7, 15 Medium, 13, 19 1, 15 9 1, 7, 13 9, 17 9, 17
10 4 Str/Dex Fighter Martial, 1, 5, 13
Advanced, 5, 13
7, 15, Crit 5 Heavy, 11, 17 1, 9 1, 15 3 1, 7 11, 19
10 4 Str Guardian Martial, 7, 17 11, 17 Heavy, 5, 11, 15 1, 9 5 1, 15 7 9, 19
8 4 Dex Gunslinger Martial Firearms, 1, 5, 13
Adv Firearms / Martial, 5, 13
7, 15, Crit 5 Medium, 13, 19 1, 17 1, 11 3 1, 7, 19 9, 17
8 4 Int Inventor Martial, 5, 13 7, 15, Crit 5 Medium, 11, 19 1, 17 7 1, 11 13 9, 17
8 6 Int Investigator Martial, 5, 13 7, 15 Light, 13, 19 9 1, 15 1, 11, 17 1, 7, 13 9, 19
8 4 Con Kineticist Simple, 11 13 Light, 13, 19 1, 7, 15 1, 11 3 9 7, 15, 19
8 3 Str/Dex Magus Martial, 5, 13 7, 15 Medium, 11, 17 1, 15 5 1, 9 9 9, 17 Bounded Prepared Arcane
10 4 Str/Dex Monk Simple, 5, 13 7, 15 None, 1, 13, 17 1, 7, 15 1, 11 1 5 9, 17
8 3 Int Necromancer Simple, 11 13 Light, 13 1, 11, 17 5 3 7 7, 15, 19 Prepared Occult
8 5 Cha Oracle Simple, 11 13 Light, 13 9 13 1, 7, 17 11 7, 15, 19 Spontaneous Divine
6 4 Int/Cha Psychic Simple, 11 13 None, 13 9 5 1, 11, 17 11 7, 15, 19 Spontaneous Occult
10 6 Str/Dex Ranger Martial, 5, 13 7, 15 Crit 5 Medium, 11, 19 1, 11 1, 7, 15 3 1, 7, 15 9, 17
8 9 Dex/Racket Rogue Martial, 5, 13 7, 15 Crit 5 Light, 13, 19 9 1, 7, 13 1, 17 1, 7, 13 11, 19
8 4 Int Runesmith Martial, 5, 13 7, 15 Medium, 13, 19 1, 11 7 1 13 7, 15, 19
6 4 Cha Sorcerer Simple, 11 13 None, 13 5 9 1, 17 11 7, 15, 19 Spontaneous A/D/O/P
10 5 Cha Summoner
Summoner's Eidolon
Simple, 11
Unarmed, 5, 13
7, 15
None, 13
None, 11, 19
1, 11 9 1, 15 3 9, 17 Bounded Spontaneous A/D/O/P
10 6 Dex Swashbuckler Martial, 5, 13 7, 15, Crit 5 Light, 13, 19 3 1, 7, 13 1, 17 1, 11 9, 19
8 7 Cha Thaumaturge Martial, 5, 13 7, 15, Crit 5 Medium, 11, 19 1, 15 3 1, 7, 13 1, 9 9, 17
6 4 Int Witch Simple, 11 13 None, 13 5 9 1, 17 11 7, 15, 19 Prepared A/D/O/P
6 3 Int Wizard Simple, 11 13 None, 13 9 5 1, 17 11 7, 15, 19 Prepared Arcane