Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Comparison of Classes

This is a list of D&D 5e classes. Here's hoping it helps you too!

HD Skills Class Saves Weapons Armor Spells Method Source Stat
8 2 Artificer CON, INT Simple Medium, shields 5th Prepared Arcane Intelligence
12 2 Barbarian STR, CON Martial Medium, shields        
8 3 Bard DEX, CHA Simple+ Light 9th Spontaneous Arcane Charisma
10 3 Blood Hunter DEX, INT Martial Medium, shields        
8 2 Cleric WIS, CHA Simple Medium, shields 9th Prepared Divine Wisdom
8 2 Druid INT, WIS Limited Medium, shields 9th Prepared Divine Wisdom
10 2 Fighter STR, CON Martial Heavy, shields        
8 2 Monk STR, DEX Simple+ Monk     Ki Wisdom
10 2 Paladin WIS, CHA Martial Heavy, shields 5th (0th, R) Prepared Divine Charisma
10 3 Ranger STR, DEX Martial Medium, shields 5th (0th, R) Spontaneous Divine Wisdom
8 4 Rogue DEX, INT Simple+ Light        
6 2 Sorcerer CON, CHA Limited None 9th (R) Spontaneous Arcane Charisma
8 2 Warlock WIS, CHA Simple Light 9th (R) Spontaneous Arcane Charisma
6 2 Wizard INT, WIS Limited None 9th Prepared Arcane Intelligence

Here are the rules for multiclassing that I kept looking up.