Deirdre, queen of an age past

N Medium outsider
15 12, 2, 1
12 14, -2
14 13, 1
Phantom 4
Anger emotional focus
Darkvision 60ft
30 ft.
Same as Master

level 1
Dodge + Mobility min.1
anger focus
Power Attack bonus
level 3
Weapon Focus (Natural) min.1
level 6
Improved Natural Attack (Slam) min.5

12 ranks. Other class skills: Craft, Fly.

  • 1 Init 1 dex
  • 35 HP 3 phantom: 10 class, 2 con; -1 rolled
    DR 5/Slashing
  • 16 AC touch 12, flat-footed 14 10, 1 dex, 1 dodge, 4 natural
    +2 dodge vs AoO from moving
  • 5 Fort 2 con, 3 class
  • 2 Ref 1 dex, 1 class
  • 3 Will 0 wis, 3 class
    +4 morale vs Enchantment
  • 5 CMB; 17 CMD 3 bab, 2 str, 1 dex, 1 dodge

Slam 20×2 B

PA -2/+6
+6/6 vs AC 3 bab, 2 str, 1 w.focus
1d8+3 3 str½
Ignore DR/magic
  • 0 Init 0 dex
  • 35 HP 3 phantom: 10 class, 2 con; -1 rolled
    DR 5/Slashing
  • 16 AC touch 10, flat-footed 15 10, 0 dex, -1 size, 1 dodge, 6 natural
    +2 dodge vs AoO from moving
  • 5 Fort 2 con, 3 class
  • 1 Ref 0 dex, 1 class
  • 3 Will 0 wis, 3 class
    +4 morale vs Enchantment
  • 7 CMB; 18 CMD 3 bab, 3 str, 0 dex, 1 size, 1 dodge

Slam 20×2 B

PA -2/+6
+6/6 vs AC 3 bab, 3 str, -1 size, 1 w.focus
2d6+4 4 str½
Reach 10ft
Ignore DR/magic

Deliver Touch Spells (Su) within 30ft

Share Spells (Ex)

Master may cast a spell with a target of "You" on her phantom (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself.

Usurp Manifestation (Su) 7 rounds/day

Master is nauseated in order to enlarge you.

Phase Lurch (Su)

You can pass through walls / obstacles, but at half speed and you must end your turn outside. You can’t move through creatures. You leave a thin, silvery mucus behind.

Incorporeal Phantom

Change from Ectoplasmic to Incorporeal as an unsafe full-round action taken by Renka.

You can choose to gain the Incorporeal subtype and the Incorporeal special quality.
If you do, you can't attack with your Slam, but can still deliver spells. You aren't undead.