Bohi, the messenger

◉ ◉ ◉ ○ ○
+3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3
-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3

  • 0 Creativity
    • Assess a situation
    • Trick
    • Evade & observe
  • 1 Focus
    • Rely on your skills or training
    • Defend & maneuver
  • -1 Harmony
    • Guide and comfort
    • Plead
  • 3 Passion
    • Push your luck
    • Intimidate
    • Advance & attack
  • Balance Restraint vs Results
    • Live up to your principle
    • Call someone out
    • Deny a callout
    • Resist shifting your balance
The Last Avatar

Defend & Maneuver Techniques

⚪ Ready
Mark 1-fatigue. Assign/clear a status from an ally.
⚪ Retaliate
When foes inflict fatigue, a condition, or shift your balance, they mark 1-fatigue.
⚪ Seize a Position
Engage/disengage a foe, get an advantageous position, or flee.
Foes can mark 1-fatigue to prevent this.

Advance & Attack Techniques

⚪ Strike
A foe marks 2-fatigue, a condition, or shifts their balance their choice.
If you mark 1-fatigue, instead they mark 2-fatigue or a condition your choice.
⚪ Pressure
A foe cannot choose an approach of your choice in the next round.
⚪ Smash
Mark 1-fatigue. Destroy something.
🟡 Breath of Wind M
A foe becomes Stunned, unless they mark 4-fatigue.

Evade & Observe Techniques When you E&O, clear 1-fatigue

⚪ Test Balance
Mark 1-fatigue. Learn a foe's principle; if you knew, shift their balance.
⚪ Bolster or Hinder
Assign a status to someone else.
⚪ Commit
Shift your balance. Next time you Live up to your principle, don't mark fatigue.


Mengyao takes issues with your methods. Perhaps they have a point, but you certainly can't admit that to them!

Quartz is your lodestar; something about them makes them the only person you let your guard down around.

You can shift your lodestar to someone new when they Guide and Comfort you and you open up to them, or when you Guide and Comfort them and they open up to you. If you do choose to shift your lodestar, clear a condition.

Shut down someone vulnerable with harsh words or icy silence

Shift your balance to Results, and roll with Results.
10+ They mark a condition, you clear that condition, they can't shift your balance/call you out for a scene.
7-9 They mark a condition, you clear that condition.
6- Mark a condition, they shift your balance.

Consult your lodestar for advice

Roll with Restraint.
10+ Do all below.
7-9 Choose 2 below.
6- Mark a condition, or the GM shifts your balance twice.

I don't hate you

When you Guide and Comfort, roll with Passion if you mark Insecure or if it's already marked.

His full name would be "Initiate Bohi of the Northern Air Temple".

Bohi is a hot-headed airbending student. He takes his study seriously enough, but he's not great at it, and he just likes flying around in general. Eager to be helpful to the community, he's volunteered to deliver messages between temples.

He doesn't really understand why the Elder Namthöse insists so much on staying apart of the other nations. Bohi doesn't talk about it, but during one of his early travels, his flying bison —Yuno— got a stomach bug, and Bohi had to stop in an Earth Kingdom farm for help. The people were nice and helpful, eager to hear his stories from the world. Every once in a while since, Bohi arranges his stops for feeding Yuno near people instead of away from them, and has had mostly positive results. He's stopped doing this in the Earth Kingdom, however, where the Dao Fei are too violent for his taste. Still, he wishes his people would help the innocent Earth Kingdom citizen rather than stay aloof in their innaccessible monasteries.

He is on his way back from the Eastern Air Temple, where the Nun Gyemtsen was pleading this same point of view after the recent death of her sister. Bohi knew better than to intervene directly, but her speech moved him. As fate would have it, Yuno is again not feeling right, and Bohi has to make an emergency stop near Ba Sing Se...

Social and passionate
154 lbs
5' 8''

Notes durant la partie

Vigilante, on l'a convertie
Surnommée Mango
Accusée de kidnapper les enfants de Quinn
[HOP] Quand une maison a été détruite par un conflit entre les Fang Mercenaries et les Rocketeers, Mengyao a aidé les habitants
Se cache dans l'ancienne distillerie
Ennemie jurée de Mengyao, probablement framée
Ancienne collègue de Mengyao dans la Triad of Golden Wings
Cachée avec les enfants kidnappés au Noodle Shop
Blonde de Kyoshi
Nous a aidés, il y a quelque mois, à défendre mon Sky Bison
Nous met au courant des événements du kidnapping
Fire Nation, ambassadrice
Ses enfants ont été kidnappés
Tan Fire
Firebender, chef de gardes, protégeait les enfants kidnappés
A poursuivi le kidnappeur, mais perdu la trace quand elle est passée en basse-ville. C'est une femme, capuche. Trouve une flèche de Mengyao.
Son lieutenant, Yvona, restera à la buanderie si on a de nouvelles infos.
Hop Sandworth
Patronne de la buanderie
Hop sait que Mengyao est gentille
Chef de la Anti-Corruption Task Force (earthbenders chargés de la paix, corrompus)
S'objecte à la participation des gardes Firebender à la recherche des enfants
Va raid un shop, pense que Mengyao/les enfants kidnappés sont là
La patrouille qui raid le shop est composée de Tom (chef), Normand Pierre-Caillou (très con) et 3 autres.
Bei Jing
Contact de Quartz
Selon lui, il y a des choses louches qui se passent au noodle shop de Fang Mercenaries
Membres de Fang Mercenaries
Propriétaire du noodle shop

Bohi – Could not find source

The Last Avatar