Oxenburg plaza is a calm, modest neighborhood, by Ravnica standards. It is the 7th district of the 73rd precinct, located quite a ways off to the northeast of the great Guild Halls.
Still, the Guildpact affects all of Ravnica. The Boros Legion patrols the streets, keeping citizen safe. Both the Simic Combine and the Izzet League have a strong presence, especially in Oxenburg Market
It is the first time you set foot in this neighborhood. A friend tipped you off that the Boros Legion was coming for you, and that they were blaming you for a crime you hadn't committed. Whether you fled right away, or tried to negotiate, the troops weren't having it, and you had to escape. The pursuit took you to Oxenburg Plaza, where you must now hide, and find a way to clear your name.
You will be assisted by a long time friend, who warned you of the imminent threat to your freedom. This companion can be trusted in battle and can shore up your weaknesses or bolster your strengths. Choose one of the following: