Keep fighting below 0 HP, still staggered and losing 1 HP / round.
Each turn, create 3 tendrils creatures around Nago. They will take their turn 1d4 steps later in initiative. On their turn, they attack if able, then wither away. The tendrils have 9HP and 13AC and cannot move.
Whereas the boar is ill-tempered and generally unfriendly, the towering daeodon (known as the dire boar to most commoners and hunters) is legitimately hateful and violent. Although omnivorous like its smaller kin, the daeodon prefers to feed on flesh, and its razor-sharp tusks and keen eyesight make it particularly well suited as a predator. While the daeodon is primarily a scavenger, it isn’t averse to attacking smaller creatures it encounters while searching for easier meals, or those who stumble unwittingly into its territory.
Particularly brave or skilled orcs are fond of using daeodons as mounts, and orc cavalry mounted on dire boars make for a fearsome force indeed.
A typical adult daeodon is 10 feet long and 7 feet tall at the shoulder. It weighs approximately 2,000 pounds.