Sycaä A'Klak, born to defend

LN Medium Humanoid
40 / 1,000
4 A, B, L1, L5
1 L1
2 L1, L5
4+ A, B, C, L1, L5
1 L5
Titan Heritage
Relentless Dedication
Runesmith 7
Low-light vision
Darkvision with an Eye Slash
Scent 30ft. [Imprecise]
30 ft.
Swim 10 ft.
Argentois, Nagaji, Atlantean, Celestial, Draconic, Thalassic
Breath Control

Serpentfolk ©SeanSketches

Fangs P

+16/11/6 vs AC 4 str, 4 prf, 7 lvl, 1 item
2d6+6 4 str, 2 w.spec
Esvadir, Rune of Whetstones: add 4 dot 🩸.
Ghostly Resonance: If you bear a divine or occult rune, gain ghost touch.
Engraving Strike: 1/round. On a hit, Trace a Rune on the foe.

Electric Arc 30ft

DC 23 Basic Reflex save arcane spell dc
Targets up to 2 foes.

Recall Knowledge

Battle Medicine

Trace Rune

Traced runes last until the end of your next turn. One action, adjacent; two actions, 30ft.

Invoke Rune(s)

Trigger as many runes as you want within 30ft.

Fortifying Knock 1/round

Raise Shield. Then, Trace a Rune on it. It may be a damaging rune; in that case, you may activate it when you Shield Block.


25 DC 10, 4 int, 4 prf, 7 lvl

You can have 3 Runes etched at a time.

Atryl, Rune of Fire Primal
Bearer's Resist fire reduces by 9.
Bearer takes 8d6 dmg 🔥 Basic Fort; on fumble, dazzled 1 round.
Esvadir, Rune of Whetstones Any
Weapon adds 2 dot 🩸 per dice.
Adjacent foe takes 8d6 dmg S Basic Fort.
Holtrik, Rune of Dwarven Ramparts Any
Shield's circ bonus increases by 1.
Shield becomes raised.
Oljinex, Rune of Coward's Bane Occult
Shield grants +1 status vs physical ranged attacks.
Adjacent creatures can't move away for 1 round Seek → Will negates; [Illusion, Mental, Visual].
Marssyl, Rune of Impact Any
Bludgeon weapon adds 1 splash B per dice, bearer is unaffected.
Next Strike adds one dice, and pushes the foe 10ft or 20ft Fort negates.
Ranshu, Rune of Thunder Primal
Bearer takes 1d4+3 dmg ⚡ at end of turn if they didn't move.
Bearer takes 8d6 dmg ⚡ Basic Fort.
Zohk, Rune of Homecoming Arcane
Bearer gains +15ft status to speed when moving closer.
Teleport bearer to adjacent square Will negates.

Prepared Arcane Spells

13 Attack; 23 DC 10, 4 int, 2 prf, 7 lvl

How to Learn a spell.


Rank 1

Rank 2

Staff of Providence 2 SC

Sycaä est un soldat d'élite, couvé spécialement pour la protection de sa maîtresse, Dame Nagajor. Dès sa plus tendre enfance, il a été orienté vers un avenir militaire. Cette affectation est tout de même teintée par l'amour de sa race pour la connaissance et les secrets, multipliée par les valeurs du Collège de Nagajor! Sycaä a donc aussi reçu une éducation magique poussée, orientée vers le combat mais comprenant des bases solides.

Lorsque Sycaä a échoué les tests rigoureux pour devenir un garde rapproché sur le bateau, c'est la Lieutenant Syfass A'Klak elle-même qui lui a tendu la main. Sycaä a eu une place sur le bateau en tant que garde général, et non garde rapproché. Pour lui, c'est une occasion inespérée de retenter sa chance et de prouver à la fois sa valeur à tous, mais aussi sa reconnaissance à son lieutenant.

Même si généralement les gens assument que les gardes sont mâles, ils sont nés exclusivement pour la protection et sont donc non-genrés. Il serait plus exact dire que Sycaä est un eunuque.

Polite and Determined
357 lbs
6' 9''
Canny Acumen (Perception)
nagaji 1
Nalinivati's Light
runesmith 1
Engraving Strike
Shield Block
runesmith 2
Fortifying Knock
archetype 2
Wizard Dedication (Ars Grammatica)
general 3
AP > Serpent's Tongue
runesmith 4
Ghostly Resonance
archetype 4
BA > Cantrip Expansion
nagaji 5
Water Nagaji > Breath Control
runesmith 6
Runic Reprisal
archetype 6
Basic Wizard Spellcasting
general 7
runesmith 8
Elemental Revision
archetype 8
Arcane School Spell
nagaji 9
Serpentine Swimmer
runesmith 2
Magical Crafting
skill 2
Battle Medicine
skill 4
Assurance (Medicine)
skill 6
Quick Repair
skill 8
Cat Fall
runesmith 1
Trained, Arcana*
Trained, Crafting*
Trained, Athletics
Trained, Medicine
Trained, Nature
Trained, Occultism
Trained, Religion
Trained, Society
archetype 2
Trained, Acrobatics Arcana*
houserule 3
Expert, Crafting*
skill 3
Expert, Athletics
skill 5
Expert, Medicine
houserule 7
Master, Crafting*
skill 7
Master, Athletics

Sycaä – Art by Sean Sketches

Serpentfolk ©SeanSketches