Luca Cane, the stowaway mage

N Medium Humanoid
0 / 1,000
4 A, B, L1, L5
2 L1, L5
4+ A, B, C, L1, L5
2 L1, L5
Versatile Heritage
Psychic 6
Subconscious Gathered Lore
Conscious Silent Whisper
Desna, Pharasma
25 ft.
Argentois, Atlantean, Shandorian, Elven, Draconic, Fey

Young transmutation wizard ©???

Electric Arc 30ft

DC 22 Basic Reflex save occult spell dc
Targets up to 2 foes.
4d4+6 6 status

Psi Burst [Mindshift] B|🧠 30ft

DC 22 Basic Reflex|Will save occult spell dc

Recognize Spell

Recall Knowledge

Raise Shield

Take Cover

Unleash Psyche

Starts as your turn begins, if you Cast a Spell last turn & aren't stupefied. For 2 rounds, your instant psychic spells gain +{2×rank} status to damage. Then, you're stupefied 1 for 2 rounds.

Recall the Teachings

Prepare to Aid, using Occultism, any action within 30ft.

Focus Pool 3 FP

When you refocus, regain 2 FP if spent only on Psychic abilities.

Daze 🧠 120ft

DC 22 Basic Will save occult spell dc
2d6+6 6 status
On fumble, the foe is stunned 1.

[1 FP] Damage becomes 3d10+6 6 status.
On fail, the foe has -1 status to Will and Weakness 2 or 4 🧠, triggered by this spell, until its next turn ends.

Forbidden Thought 🧠 30ft

Choose an action. If the foe does that next turn:
DC 22 Basic Will save occult spell dc
4d6+6 6 status
Then, the foe is immune for 1 minute.

[1 FP] On fail, the foe is stunned 1.

Message 500ft

This spell's range can bend around obstacles.
Whisper a message to an ally. They can reply.

[1 FP] They can spend a reaction to Step or Stride.

[1 FP] You/they gain +2 status to Will vs [emotion] for 1 minute. Attempt to counteract frightened or stupefied.

Guidance 120ft

An ally gain +1 status to one attack, perception, save, or skill.
Then, the ally is immune for 1 hour.

[1 FP] Cast it as a reaction when it would change an ally's result. Immunity doesn't apply.

[1 FP] You/they gain +2 status to Will vs [emotion] for 1 minute. Attempt to counteract frightened or stupefied.

S. Occult Spells

12 Attack; 22 DC 10, 4 int, 2 prf, 6 lvl


Rank 1 2/day

Rank 2 2/day

Rank 3 2/day

P. Arcane Spells

12 Attack; 22 DC 10, 4 int, 2 prf, 6 lvl

How to Learn a spell.


Rank 1

Rank 2


Item Spells


Guide used: Free Your Mind ©Blammit.

Desperate to contribute to the knowledge of magic, Luca ventured far from his homeland looking for an eminent school of magic. Luca thinks he's discovered a way for all to Amp cantrips, by manipulating spellcasting.

Luca is from a family of Romani, or Roms: wandering people going from town to town, spreading music and joy, following their own less-than-strict moral code, always free, often destitute. His parents, Orchillo and Lilla, as well as his sister Vai, his aunt Kizzy and his uncle Stiggur (all Cane, as surnames are by clan among Roms), took well to that lifestyle. They were versatile, multi-talented people, very adaptable. Luca didn't care much for such versatility and loved magic instead. At first he copied his uncle, drawing unknowable magic out of thin air without a word, helping the whole clan survive tough breaks. Over time he gathered a handful of books (not always legally; to his clan, it's fair game to take stuff from Gadjo that don't need it) and learned more theory. Fascinated to learn that his magic was so different, he dove much deeper, learning how to Amp cantrips.

Luca's prized possession is a treatise on magic by Archmage Tinuviel, in which a footnote mentions that the author is an eminent teacher in the Collège de Nagajor in a distant land. Luca sometimes daydreamed about studying there, but it was so far... Then after another harsh winter, when the villages around refused them help or even entrance, Luca had enough of that lifestyle. Gathering his stuff, he left for distant lands, travelling by boat, hiding for short trips and gathering what he could to pay his fare on longer ones.

Eventually, Luca reached the College. However, there, nobody had heard of Professor Tinuviel, and his mastery of magic was quickly deemed to be too little to be admited as a student. The test felt weighted, to Luca: it was strictly theoretical, and one of the evaluators (Professor Tavon) had had a dismissive comment about gipsies upon seeing Luca.

Left stranded with few options, Luca tried to be resourceful. There were rumors of companies about to leave port to explore the sea, including the College which he desperately wanted to be part of / get revenge on. Luca had no qualifications for such a journey, so he snuck on a ship, the least guarded of them —belonging to the Joyeux Naufragés. When he was eventually found, there was confusion on both sides. The crew would have happily taken him in (they're not fussy), but dropped him on the first island they crossed, knowing that the College was heading that way too.

Luca found himself in Protras, waiting and hoping. The island had its own problems under the tyranny of a cyclop, and Luca was promptly and forcefully added to the ranks of his mining crew, at least until mercenaries bent on protecting the College overthrew the tyrant. At the first occasion, Luca made for the College's boat, trying to find a way to join. The mercenaries arrived about at the same time; bringing new recruits: Luca was hired as a mercenary alongside them. While not exactly what he'd hoped, it meant he could learn from scholars along the road and flex his talents, so why not?

Goals: Find out who Tinuviel is. Get accepted at the Academy after all, or gain an even more prestigious title. Live a comfortable life, researching magic. Study Amps and make impactful discoveries for all spellcasters.

Conflict: Luca believes that there is a life that is "perfect" for him, and that if he works harder just a bit longer he'll get there and be perfectly happy.

Scroll of signal skyrocket¹ 1 4$
Scroll of silence² subtle 3 12$
Mage's Hat 3 50$
Varisian Emblem (Carnasia) 3 60$
Spellguard Shield 6 250$
Ring of Wizardry 7 360$
Bands of Force 8 450$
Idealistic and goal-oriented
138 lbs
5' 10''
Canny Acumen (Perception)
human 1
Adapted Cantrip
psychic 2
Psi Burst
archetype 2
Wizard Dedication (Illusion)
general 3
psychic 4
Mental Balm
archetype 4
Basic Wizard Spellcasting
human 5
Clever Improviser > UI
psychic 6
Parallel Breakthrough (guidance)
archetype 6
BA > Cantrip Expansion
general 7
psychic 8
Mental Static
archetype 8
AA > Conceal Spell
Arcane Sense
skill 2
Recognize Spell
skill 4
Assurance (Arcana)
skill 6
Automatic Knowledge (Arcana)
skill 8
Quick Recognition
Trained, Arcana*
psychic 1
Trained, Occultism*
Trained, Acrobatics
Trained, Crafting
Trained, Deception
Trained, Diplomacy
Trained, Nature
Trained, Society
Trained, Stealth
archetype 2
Trained, Religion Arcana*
houserule 3
Expert, Occultism*
skill 3
Expert, Arcana
skill 5
Expert, Stealth
houserule 7
Master, Occultism*
skill 7
Master, Arcana

Luca – Art by AkidzabrA?

Young transmutation wizard ©???