Guide used: Brawn & Steel ©FedoraFerret.
Named from Alphonse Elric and Mary Shelley.
Alphonse Shelley is a manufactured fighter for the Imperial army. He was engineered and bred to be an inexpensive soldier. He is not aware of this, and thinks he's just a normal human.
Alphonse was born with memories of a very generic childhood. He remembers his parents –Percy and Mary– in very broad terms, just like his childhood friends.
In his manufactured memory, his family and friends were all very supportive of his dream of defending the nation in the army.
He remembers enrolling as early as he could, and he is convinced that they are very proud of him.
The point at which real memories start will never be clear, but he has real memories of his time in the imperial army.
He began to doubt the army's virtue, and eventually grew to sympathize with the outsiders he attacked.
He started sparing opponents when he could, despite orders.
One of those contacted him afterwards, and Alphonse gradually became a double agent against the empire.
Alphonse is not aware of his nature as a Fleshwarp.
The most obvious clue is that he doesn't need to eat.
Even when he eventually discovers his true nature, he realises his creator's purpose is not clear:
was he bred as a soldier for the army, or was he bred as a sleeper agent that was sure to betray the empire?
His memory of how he became a double agent is suspiciously dim, too.
Alphonse is very fond of ants, he can watch them run around for hours.
He also just loves the smell and sound of the sea.
Alcohol and bread taste weird to him, and he'd rather not have any.
He snores very loudly!
Il est un peu poète! Il écrit de la poésie à ses heures. Il croit que la vraie libertée est dans l'Art.
Map of Gwynnlein
- Clan O'Shenanigan
- Maître Oladregg, vénérable goblin M, licteur du scriptorium
- Helena, Brann, Quinn, human F/M/M, marchands ambulants
- Mirkos Hanneberg, human M, archéologue et historien
- Amaranthe, human F, sorcière de glace, venue de Glynn
- Fiona O'Toole, human F (changeling), apprentie sorcière
- Clan O'Sheilly
- Fildur LaBombe, goblin M, nous guide vers le labo explosé
- Tshitsh'ka LaBombe, goblin F, sorcière cousue du labo
- Grumbar Main-Douce, hobgoblin M, magicien du clan O'Sheilly
- Oshka Sombre-mire, goblin F, barde, liaison avec la résistance de Noloch
- Noloch
- Zéphyr, human M, chef de la résistance
- Tamla Gorgonir, half-orc F, caravanière
- Aïsha, elfe F, rogue, garde du corps de Zéphyr
- Orlask, human M, garde
- Benson, human M, sauvé de la prison par Thésia
- Mina, human F (changeling), jeune sorcière qui ne contrôle pas ses pouvoirs
- Captain Sabina, elfe F, capitaine Montariziaine qui veut capturer Maajid
- Quality
- Noble & compassionate
- Drawback
- Impulsive
- Eyes
- Brown
- Hair
- Black
- Age
- Unknown, Alphonse thinks he's 27
- Weight
- 170 lbs
- Height
- 6' 0''